// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #define WOLFSSL_OPTIONS_IGNORE_SYS #include "wolfssl/options.h" #include "wolfssl/ssl.h" #include "wolfssl/error-ssl.h" #include "wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h" #include #include #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/tlsio.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/tlsio_wolfssl.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/socketio.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/optimize_size.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/shared_util_options.h" typedef enum TLSIO_STATE_ENUM_TAG { TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN, TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO, TLSIO_STATE_IN_HANDSHAKE, TLSIO_STATE_OPEN, TLSIO_STATE_CLOSING, TLSIO_STATE_ERROR } TLSIO_STATE_ENUM; typedef struct TLS_IO_INSTANCE_TAG { XIO_HANDLE socket_io; ON_BYTES_RECEIVED on_bytes_received; ON_IO_OPEN_COMPLETE on_io_open_complete; ON_IO_CLOSE_COMPLETE on_io_close_complete; ON_IO_ERROR on_io_error; void* on_bytes_received_context; void* on_io_open_complete_context; void* on_io_close_complete_context; void* on_io_error_context; WOLFSSL* ssl; WOLFSSL_CTX* ssl_context; TLSIO_STATE_ENUM tlsio_state; unsigned char* socket_io_read_bytes; size_t socket_io_read_byte_count; ON_SEND_COMPLETE on_send_complete; void* on_send_complete_callback_context; char* certificate; char* x509certificate; char* x509privatekey; int wolfssl_device_id; char* hostname; bool ignore_host_name_check; } TLS_IO_INSTANCE; STATIC_VAR_UNUSED const char* const OPTION_WOLFSSL_SET_DEVICE_ID = "SetDeviceId"; static const size_t SOCKET_READ_LIMIT = 5; /*this function will clone an option given by name and value*/ static void* tlsio_wolfssl_CloneOption(const char* name, const void* value) { void* result; if ((name == NULL) || (value == NULL)) { LogError("invalid parameter detected: const char* name=%p, const void* value=%p", name, value); result = NULL; } else { if (strcmp(name, OPTION_TRUSTED_CERT) == 0) { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&result, value) != 0) { LogError("unable to mallocAndStrcpy_s TrustedCerts value"); result = NULL; } else { /*return as is*/ } } else if (strcmp(name, SU_OPTION_X509_CERT) == 0) { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&result, value) != 0) { LogError("unable to mallocAndStrcpy_s x509certificate value"); result = NULL; } else { /*return as is*/ } } else if (strcmp(name, SU_OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY) == 0) { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&result, value) != 0) { LogError("unable to mallocAndStrcpy_s x509privatekey value"); result = NULL; } else { /*return as is*/ } } #ifdef INVALID_DEVID else if(strcmp(name, OPTION_WOLFSSL_SET_DEVICE_ID) == 0 ) { int* value_clone; if ((value_clone = malloc(sizeof(int))) == NULL) { LogError("unable to clone device id option"); } else { *value_clone = *(int*)value; } result = value_clone; } #endif else { LogError("not handled option : %s", name); result = NULL; } } return result; } /*this function destroys an option previously created*/ static void tlsio_wolfssl_DestroyOption(const char* name, const void* value) { /*since all options for this layer are actually string copies., disposing of one is just calling free*/ if ((name == NULL) || (value == NULL)) { LogError("invalid parameter detected: const char* name=%p, const void* value=%p", name, value); } else { if ((strcmp(name, OPTION_TRUSTED_CERT) == 0) || (strcmp(name, SU_OPTION_X509_CERT) == 0) || (strcmp(name, SU_OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY) == 0) || (strcmp(name, OPTION_WOLFSSL_SET_DEVICE_ID) == 0)) { free((void*)value); } else { LogError("not handled option : %s", name); } } } static OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE tlsio_wolfssl_retrieveoptions(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io) { OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE result; if (tls_io == NULL) { LogError("NULL tls_io parameter"); result = NULL; } else { result = OptionHandler_Create(tlsio_wolfssl_CloneOption, tlsio_wolfssl_DestroyOption, tlsio_wolfssl_setoption); if (result == NULL) { LogError("unable to OptionHandler_Create"); /*return as is*/ } else { /*this layer cares about the certificates and the x509 credentials*/ TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if ( (tls_io_instance->x509certificate != NULL) && (OptionHandler_AddOption(result, SU_OPTION_X509_CERT, tls_io_instance->x509certificate) != OPTIONHANDLER_OK) ) { LogError("unable to save x509certificate option"); OptionHandler_Destroy(result); result = NULL; } else if ( (tls_io_instance->x509privatekey != NULL) && (OptionHandler_AddOption(result, SU_OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY, tls_io_instance->x509privatekey) != OPTIONHANDLER_OK) ) { LogError("unable to save x509privatekey option"); OptionHandler_Destroy(result); result = NULL; } else if ( (tls_io_instance->certificate != NULL) && (OptionHandler_AddOption(result, OPTION_TRUSTED_CERT, tls_io_instance->certificate) != OPTIONHANDLER_OK) ) { LogError("unable to save TrustedCerts option"); OptionHandler_Destroy(result); result = NULL; } #ifdef INVALID_DEVID else if ( (tls_io_instance->wolfssl_device_id != INVALID_DEVID) && (OptionHandler_AddOption(result, OPTION_WOLFSSL_SET_DEVICE_ID, &tls_io_instance->wolfssl_device_id) != OPTIONHANDLER_OK) ) { LogError("unable to save deviceid option"); OptionHandler_Destroy(result); result = NULL; } #endif else { /*all is fine, all interesting options have been saved*/ /*return as is*/ } } } return result; } static const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION tlsio_wolfssl_interface_description = { tlsio_wolfssl_retrieveoptions, tlsio_wolfssl_create, tlsio_wolfssl_destroy, tlsio_wolfssl_open, tlsio_wolfssl_close, tlsio_wolfssl_send, tlsio_wolfssl_dowork, tlsio_wolfssl_setoption }; static void indicate_error(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { if (tls_io_instance->on_io_error != NULL) { tls_io_instance->on_io_error(tls_io_instance->on_io_error_context); } } static void indicate_open_complete(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance, IO_OPEN_RESULT open_result) { if (tls_io_instance->on_io_open_complete != NULL) { tls_io_instance->on_io_open_complete(tls_io_instance->on_io_open_complete_context, open_result); } } static int decode_ssl_received_bytes(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { int result = 0; unsigned char buffer[64]; int rcv_bytes = 0; do { rcv_bytes = wolfSSL_read(tls_io_instance->ssl, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (rcv_bytes > 0) { if (tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received != NULL) { tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received(tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context, buffer, rcv_bytes); } } } while (rcv_bytes > 0); return result; } static void on_underlying_io_open_complete(void* context, IO_OPEN_RESULT open_result) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)context; if (open_result != IO_OPEN_OK) { LogError("Underlying IO open failed"); tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_ERROR; indicate_open_complete(tls_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); } else { int res; tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_IN_HANDSHAKE; res = wolfSSL_connect(tls_io_instance->ssl); if (res != SSL_SUCCESS) { // Error codes explained in https://www.wolfssl.com/docs/wolfssl-manual/appendix-c/ LogError("WolfSSL connect failed (%d)", wolfSSL_get_error(tls_io_instance->ssl, res)); indicate_open_complete(tls_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_ERROR; } } } static void on_underlying_io_bytes_received(void* context, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t size) { if (context != NULL) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)context; unsigned char* new_socket_io_read_bytes = (unsigned char*)realloc(tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes, tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count + size); if (new_socket_io_read_bytes == NULL) { LogError("Failed allocating memory for received bytes"); tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_ERROR; indicate_error(tls_io_instance); } else { tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes = new_socket_io_read_bytes; (void)memcpy(tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes + tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count, buffer, size); tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count += size; } } else { LogInfo("Supplied context is NULL on bytes_received"); } } static void on_underlying_io_error(void* context) { if (context != NULL) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)context; switch (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state) { default: LogError("Unknown TLS IO WolfSSL state: %d", (int)tls_io_instance->tlsio_state); break; case TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN: case TLSIO_STATE_ERROR: break; case TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO: case TLSIO_STATE_IN_HANDSHAKE: tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_ERROR; indicate_open_complete(tls_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); break; case TLSIO_STATE_OPEN: tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_ERROR; indicate_error(tls_io_instance); break; } } else { LogInfo("Supplied context is NULL on io_error"); } } static void on_underlying_io_close_complete(void* context) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)context; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_CLOSING) { LogError("on_underlying_io_close_complete called when not in CLOSING state"); } else { if (tls_io_instance->on_io_close_complete != NULL) { tls_io_instance->on_io_close_complete(tls_io_instance->on_io_close_complete_context); } tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; } } static int on_io_recv(WOLFSSL *ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *context) { int result; if (context != NULL) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)context; unsigned char* new_socket_io_read_bytes; size_t socket_reads = 0; AZURE_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ssl); while (tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count == 0 && socket_reads < SOCKET_READ_LIMIT) { xio_dowork(tls_io_instance->socket_io); if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_IN_HANDSHAKE) { break; } socket_reads++; } result = tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count; if (result > sz) { result = sz; } if (result > 0) { (void)memcpy(buf, tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes, result); (void)memmove(tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes, tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes + result, tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count - result); tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count -= result; if (tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count > 0) { new_socket_io_read_bytes = (unsigned char*)realloc(tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes, tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count); if (new_socket_io_read_bytes != NULL) { tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes = new_socket_io_read_bytes; } } else { free(tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes); tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes = NULL; } } if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_ERROR) { result = WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } else if ( (result == 0) && (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_OPEN)) { #ifdef HAVE_SECURE_RENEGOTIATION if (wolfSSL_SSL_renegotiate_pending(tls_io_instance->ssl) == 0) // SERVER_HELLODONE_COMPLETE { result = WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ; } // If Server Hello not complete during renegotiation, do not return error. #else result = WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ; #endif } else if ((result == 0) && (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_CLOSING || tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN)) { result = WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_CLOSE; } } else { result = WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } return result; } static int on_io_send(WOLFSSL *ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *context) { int result; AZURE_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ssl); TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)context; if (xio_send(tls_io_instance->socket_io, buf, sz, tls_io_instance->on_send_complete, tls_io_instance->on_send_complete_callback_context) != 0) { LogError("Failed sending bytes through underlying IO"); tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_ERROR; indicate_error(tls_io_instance); result = WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } else { result = sz; } return result; } static int on_handshake_done(WOLFSSL* ssl, void* context) { AZURE_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ssl); TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)context; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_IN_HANDSHAKE) { LogInfo("on_handshake_done called when not in IN_HANDSHAKE state"); } else { tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_OPEN; indicate_open_complete(tls_io_instance, IO_OPEN_OK); } return 0; } static int add_certificate_to_store(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { int result; if (tls_io_instance->certificate != NULL) { int res = wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer(tls_io_instance->ssl_context, (const unsigned char*)tls_io_instance->certificate, strlen(tls_io_instance->certificate), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); if (res != SSL_SUCCESS) { LogError("wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } else { result = 0; } return result; } static int x509_wolfssl_add_credentials(WOLFSSL* ssl, char* x509certificate, char* x509privatekey) { int result; if (wolfSSL_use_certificate_chain_buffer(ssl, (unsigned char*)x509certificate, strlen(x509certificate)) != SSL_SUCCESS) { LogError("unable to load x509 client certificate"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer(ssl, (unsigned char*)x509privatekey, strlen(x509privatekey), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != SSL_SUCCESS) { LogError("unable to load x509 client private key"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } return result; } static void destroy_wolfssl_instance(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { wolfSSL_free(tls_io_instance->ssl); tls_io_instance->ssl = NULL; } static int create_wolfssl_instance(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { int result; tls_io_instance->ssl = wolfSSL_new(tls_io_instance->ssl_context); if (tls_io_instance->ssl == NULL) { LogError("Failed to add certificates to store"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes = NULL; tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_byte_count = 0; tls_io_instance->on_send_complete = NULL; tls_io_instance->on_send_complete_callback_context = NULL; #ifdef INVALID_DEVID tls_io_instance->wolfssl_device_id = INVALID_DEVID; #endif wolfSSL_set_using_nonblock(tls_io_instance->ssl, 1); wolfSSL_SetHsDoneCb(tls_io_instance->ssl, on_handshake_done, tls_io_instance); wolfSSL_SetIOWriteCtx(tls_io_instance->ssl, tls_io_instance); wolfSSL_SetIOReadCtx(tls_io_instance->ssl, tls_io_instance); tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; result = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SECURE_RENEGOTIATION if (wolfSSL_UseSecureRenegotiation(tls_io_instance->ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) { LogError("unable to enable secure renegotiation"); result = MU_FAILURE; } #endif } return result; } static int enable_domain_check(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { int result = 0; if (!tls_io_instance->ignore_host_name_check) { if (wolfSSL_check_domain_name(tls_io_instance->ssl, tls_io_instance->hostname) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { result = MU_FAILURE; } } return result; } static int prepare_wolfssl_open(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { int result; if (enable_domain_check(tls_io_instance)) { LogError("Failed to configure domain name verification"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (add_certificate_to_store(tls_io_instance) != 0) { LogError("Failed to add certificates to store"); result = MU_FAILURE; } /*x509 authentication can only be build before underlying connection is realized*/ else if ((tls_io_instance->x509certificate != NULL) && (tls_io_instance->x509privatekey != NULL) && (x509_wolfssl_add_credentials(tls_io_instance->ssl, tls_io_instance->x509certificate, tls_io_instance->x509privatekey) != 0)) { destroy_wolfssl_instance(tls_io_instance); LogError("unable to use x509 authentication"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } return result; } int tlsio_wolfssl_init(void) { (void)wolfSSL_library_init(); wolfSSL_load_error_strings(); return 0; } void tlsio_wolfssl_deinit(void) { } CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tlsio_wolfssl_create(void* io_create_parameters) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* result; if (io_create_parameters == NULL) { LogError("NULL io_create_parameters"); result = NULL; } else { TLSIO_CONFIG* tls_io_config = io_create_parameters; result = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)malloc(sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); if (result == NULL) { LogError("Failed allocating memory for the TLS IO instance."); } else { (void)memset(result, 0, sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); result->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; result->ssl_context = wolfSSL_CTX_new(wolfTLSv1_2_client_method()); if (result->ssl_context == NULL) { LogError("Cannot create the wolfSSL context"); free(result); result = NULL; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->hostname, tls_io_config->hostname) != 0) { LogError("Failed copying the target hostname."); free(result); result = NULL; } else { // Set the recv and send function on the wolfssl context object wolfSSL_SetIOSend(result->ssl_context, on_io_send); wolfSSL_SetIORecv(result->ssl_context, on_io_recv); SOCKETIO_CONFIG socketio_config; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* underlying_io_interface; void* io_interface_parameters; if (tls_io_config->underlying_io_interface != NULL) { underlying_io_interface = tls_io_config->underlying_io_interface; io_interface_parameters = tls_io_config->underlying_io_parameters; } else { socketio_config.hostname = tls_io_config->hostname; socketio_config.port = tls_io_config->port; socketio_config.accepted_socket = NULL; underlying_io_interface = socketio_get_interface_description(); io_interface_parameters = &socketio_config; } if (underlying_io_interface == NULL) { LogError("Failed getting socket IO interface description."); wolfSSL_CTX_free(result->ssl_context); free(result->hostname); free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->socket_io = xio_create(underlying_io_interface, io_interface_parameters); if (result->socket_io == NULL) { LogError("Failure connecting to underlying socket_io"); wolfSSL_CTX_free(result->ssl_context); free(result->hostname); free(result); result = NULL; } else if (create_wolfssl_instance(result) != 0) { LogError("Failure connecting to underlying socket_io"); wolfSSL_CTX_free(result->ssl_context); free(result->hostname); free(result); result = NULL; } } } } } return result; } void tlsio_wolfssl_destroy(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io) { if (tls_io != NULL) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes != NULL) { free(tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes); tls_io_instance->socket_io_read_bytes = NULL; } if (tls_io_instance->certificate != NULL) { free(tls_io_instance->certificate); tls_io_instance->certificate = NULL; } if (tls_io_instance->x509certificate != NULL) { free(tls_io_instance->x509certificate); tls_io_instance->x509certificate = NULL; } if (tls_io_instance->x509privatekey != NULL) { free(tls_io_instance->x509privatekey); tls_io_instance->x509privatekey = NULL; } destroy_wolfssl_instance(tls_io_instance); wolfSSL_CTX_free(tls_io_instance->ssl_context); tls_io_instance->ssl_context = NULL; xio_destroy(tls_io_instance->socket_io); free(tls_io_instance->hostname); free(tls_io); } } int tlsio_wolfssl_open(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, ON_IO_OPEN_COMPLETE on_io_open_complete, void* on_io_open_complete_context, ON_BYTES_RECEIVED on_bytes_received, void* on_bytes_received_context, ON_IO_ERROR on_io_error, void* on_io_error_context) { int result; if (tls_io == NULL) { LogError("NULL tls_io instance"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN) { LogError("Invalid state encountered."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received = on_bytes_received; tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context = on_bytes_received_context; tls_io_instance->on_io_open_complete = on_io_open_complete; tls_io_instance->on_io_open_complete_context = on_io_open_complete_context; tls_io_instance->on_io_error = on_io_error; tls_io_instance->on_io_error_context = on_io_error_context; tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO; if (prepare_wolfssl_open(tls_io_instance) != 0) { LogError("Cannot create wolfssl instance."); tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (xio_open(tls_io_instance->socket_io, on_underlying_io_open_complete, tls_io_instance, on_underlying_io_bytes_received, tls_io_instance, on_underlying_io_error, tls_io_instance) != 0) { LogError("Cannot open the underlying IO."); tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } } return result; } int tlsio_wolfssl_close(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, ON_IO_CLOSE_COMPLETE on_io_close_complete, void* callback_context) { int result = 0; if (tls_io == NULL) { LogError("NULL tls_io handle."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if ((tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN) || (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_CLOSING)) { LogError("Close called while not open."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_CLOSING; tls_io_instance->on_io_close_complete = on_io_close_complete; tls_io_instance->on_io_close_complete_context = callback_context; if (xio_close(tls_io_instance->socket_io, on_underlying_io_close_complete, tls_io_instance) != 0) { LogError("xio_close failed."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } } return result; } int tlsio_wolfssl_send(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, const void* buffer, size_t size, ON_SEND_COMPLETE on_send_complete, void* callback_context) { int result; if (tls_io == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == 0) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified tls_io: %p, buffer: %p, size: %ul", tls_io, buffer, (unsigned int)size); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_OPEN) { LogError("send called while not open"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { tls_io_instance->on_send_complete = on_send_complete; tls_io_instance->on_send_complete_callback_context = callback_context; int res = wolfSSL_write(tls_io_instance->ssl, buffer, size); if ((res < 0) || ((size_t)res != size)) // Best way I can think of to safely compare an int to a size_t { LogError("Error writing data through WolfSSL"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } // remove on send complete and callback context tls_io_instance->on_send_complete = NULL; tls_io_instance->on_send_complete_callback_context = NULL; } } return result; } void tlsio_wolfssl_dowork(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io) { if (tls_io == NULL) { LogError("NULL tls_io"); } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_IN_HANDSHAKE || tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_OPEN || tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_CLOSING) { decode_ssl_received_bytes(tls_io_instance); } xio_dowork(tls_io_instance->socket_io); } } static int process_option(char** destination, const char* name, const char* value) { (void) name; int result; if (*destination != NULL) { free(*destination); *destination = NULL; } if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(destination, value) != 0) { LogError("unable to process option %s",name); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } return result; } #if defined(LIBWOLFSSL_VERSION_HEX) && LIBWOLFSSL_VERSION_HEX >= 0x04000000 static void logging_callback(const int logLevel, const char *const logMessage) { if (logLevel == ERROR_LOG) { LogError("tlsio_wolfssl: %s", logMessage); } else { LogInfo("tlsio_wolfssl: %s", logMessage); } } #endif // LIBWOLFSSL_VERSION_HEX >= 0x04000000 int tlsio_wolfssl_setoption(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, const char* optionName, const void* value) { int result; if (tls_io == NULL || optionName == NULL) { LogError("Bad arguments, tls_io = %p, optionName = %p", tls_io, optionName); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (strcmp(OPTION_TRUSTED_CERT, optionName) == 0) { result = process_option(&tls_io_instance->certificate, optionName, value); } else if (strcmp(SU_OPTION_X509_CERT, optionName) == 0 || strcmp(OPTION_X509_ECC_CERT, optionName) == 0) { result = process_option(&tls_io_instance->x509certificate, optionName, value); } else if (strcmp(SU_OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY, optionName) == 0 || strcmp(OPTION_X509_ECC_KEY, optionName) == 0) { result = process_option(&tls_io_instance->x509privatekey, optionName, value); } else if (strcmp(optionName, OPTION_SET_TLS_RENEGOTIATION) == 0) { // No need to do anything for WolfSSL result = 0; } #ifdef INVALID_DEVID else if (strcmp(OPTION_WOLFSSL_SET_DEVICE_ID, optionName) == 0) { int device_id = *((int *)value); if (tls_io_instance->ssl != NULL && wolfSSL_SetDevId(tls_io_instance->ssl, device_id) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { LogError("Failure setting device id on ssl"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { // Save the device Id even if ssl object not yet created. tls_io_instance->wolfssl_device_id = device_id; result = 0; } } #endif else if (strcmp("ignore_host_name_check", optionName) == 0) { bool* server_name_check = (bool*)value; tls_io_instance->ignore_host_name_check = *server_name_check; result = 0; } #if defined(LIBWOLFSSL_VERSION_HEX) && LIBWOLFSSL_VERSION_HEX >= 0x04000000 else if (strcmp("debug_log", optionName) == 0) { bool* enable_debug_logging = (bool*)value; if (enable_debug_logging) { if (!wolfSSL_Debugging_ON()) { LogError("wolfSSL_Debugging_ON failed."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (!wolfSSL_SetLoggingCb(&logging_callback)) { LogError("wolfSSL_SetLoggingCb failed."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } else { LogError("tlsio WolfSSL layer does not support disabling debug_logs after they have been enabled."); result = MU_FAILURE; } } #endif // LIBWOLFSSL_VERSION_HEX >= 0x04000000 else { if (tls_io_instance->socket_io == NULL) { LogError("NULL underlying IO handle"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = xio_setoption(tls_io_instance->socket_io, optionName, value); } } } return result; } const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* tlsio_wolfssl_get_interface_description(void) { return &tlsio_wolfssl_interface_description; }