// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. /** @file iothub_module_client.h * @brief Extends the IoTHubModuleClient_LL module with additional features. * * @details IoTHubModuleClient extends the IoTHubModuleClient_LL * with 2 features: * - scheduling the work for the IoTHubModuleClient from a * thread, so that the user does not need to create their * own thread * - thread-safe APIs */ #ifndef IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_H #define IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_H #include #include #include "umock_c/umock_c_prod.h" #include "iothub_transport_ll.h" #include "iothub_client_core_ll.h" #include "iothub_client_core.h" #include "iothub_module_client_ll.h" #ifndef IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_INSTANCE_TYPE /** * @brief Handle corresponding to a convenience layer module client instance. * * @remarks See https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/blob/main/doc/threading_notes.md for more details about convenience layer versus lower layer (LL) threading models. */ typedef IOTHUB_CLIENT_CORE_HANDLE IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE; #define IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_INSTANCE_TYPE #endif // IOTHUB_CLIENT_INSTANCE #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing * IoT Hub using the specified connection string parameter. * * @param connectionString Pointer to a character string * @param protocol Function pointer for protocol implementation * * Sample connection string: *
HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g., private.azure-devices-int.net];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessKey=[Device key goes here];ModuleId=[Module ID goes here]
HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g., private.azure-devices-int.net];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessSignature=SharedAccessSignature sr=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g., private.azure-devices-int.net]/devices/[Device ID goes here]&sig=[SAS Token goes here]&se=[Expiry Time goes here];ModuleId=[Module ID goes here]
* * @return A non-NULL #IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when * invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, IoTHubModuleClient_CreateFromConnectionString, const char*, connectionString, IOTHUB_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER, protocol); /** * @brief Disposes of resources allocated by the IoT Hub client. This is a * blocking call. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * * @warning Do not call this function from inside any application callbacks from this SDK, e.g. your IOTHUB_CLIENT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_CALLBACK handler. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle); /** * @brief Asynchronous call to send the message specified by @p eventMessageHandle. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param eventMessageHandle The handle to an IoT Hub message. * @param eventConfirmationCallback The callback specified by the module for receiving * confirmation of the delivery of the IoT Hub message. * This callback can be expected to invoke the * ::IoTHubModuleClient_SendEventAsync function for the * same message in an attempt to retry sending a failing * message. The user can specify a @c NULL value here to * indicate that no callback is required. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @remarks * The IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE instance provided as argument is copied by the function, * so this argument can be destroyed by the calling application right after IoTHubModuleClient_SendEventAsync returns. * The copy of @c eventMessageHandle is later destroyed by the iothub client when the message is effectively sent, if a failure sending it occurs, or if the client is destroyed. * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SendEventAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE, eventMessageHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_CALLBACK, eventConfirmationCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief This function returns the current sending status for IoTHubModuleClient. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param IoTHubClientStatus The sending state is populated at the address pointed * at by this parameter. The value will be set to * @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_IDLE if there is currently * no item to be sent and @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_BUSY * if there are. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_GetSendStatus, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS*, IoTHubClientStatus); /** * @brief Sets up the message callback to be invoked when IoT Hub issues a * message to the device. This is a blocking call. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param messageCallback The callback specified by the device for receiving * messages from IoT Hub. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SetMessageCallback, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_ASYNC, messageCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief Sets up the connection status callback to be invoked representing the status of * the connection to IOT Hub. This is a blocking call. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param connectionStatusCallback The callback specified by the module for receiving * updates about the status of the connection to IoT Hub. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SetConnectionStatusCallback, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONNECTION_STATUS_CALLBACK, connectionStatusCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief Sets up the connection status callback to be invoked representing the status of * the connection to IOT Hub. This is a blocking call. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param retryPolicy The policy to use to reconnect to IoT Hub when a * connection drops. * @param retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds Maximum amount of time(seconds) to attempt reconnection when a * connection drops to IOT Hub. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SetRetryPolicy, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY, retryPolicy, size_t, retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds); /** * @brief Sets up the connection status callback to be invoked representing the status of * the connection to IOT Hub. This is a blocking call. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param retryPolicy Out parameter containing the policy to use to reconnect to IoT Hub. * @param retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds Out parameter containing maximum amount of time in seconds to attempt reconnection to IOT Hub. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_GetRetryPolicy, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY*, retryPolicy, size_t*, retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds); /** * @brief This function returns in the out parameter @p lastMessageReceiveTime * what was the value of the @c time function when the last message was * received at the client. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param lastMessageReceiveTime Out parameter containing the value of @c time function * when the last message was received. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_GetLastMessageReceiveTime, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, time_t*, lastMessageReceiveTime); /** * @brief This API sets a runtime option identified by parameter @p optionName * to a value pointed to by @p value. @p optionName and the data type * @p value is pointing to are specific for every option. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param optionName Name of the option. * @param value The value. * * * @remarks Documentation for configuration options is available at https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/blob/main/doc/Iothub_sdk_options.md. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SetOption, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, const char*, optionName, const void*, value); /** * @brief This API specifies a call back to be used when the module receives a state update. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param moduleTwinCallback The callback specified by the module client to be used for updating * the desired state. The callback will be called in response to a * request send by the IoT Hub services. The payload will be passed to the * callback, along with two version numbers: * - Desired: * - LastSeenReported: * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SetModuleTwinCallback, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_DEVICE_TWIN_CALLBACK, moduleTwinCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief This API sends a report of the module's properties and their current values. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param reportedState The current module property values to be 'reported' to the IoT Hub. * @param size Number of bytes in @c reportedState. * @param reportedStateCallback The callback specified by the module client to be called with the * result of the transaction. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SendReportedState, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, const unsigned char*, reportedState, size_t, size, IOTHUB_CLIENT_REPORTED_STATE_CALLBACK, reportedStateCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief This API provides a way to retrieve the complete module Twin properties on-demand. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param moduleTwinCallback The callback invoked to provide the complete Module Twin properties once its retrieval is completed by the client. * If any failures occur, the callback is invoked passing @c NULL as payLoad and zero as size. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_GetTwinAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_DEVICE_TWIN_CALLBACK, moduleTwinCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief This API sets callback for async cloud to module method call. * * @param IoTHubClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param methodCallback The callback which will be called by IoT Hub. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SetModuleMethodCallback, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, IoTHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_DEVICE_METHOD_CALLBACK_ASYNC, methodCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief Asynchronous call to send the message specified by @p eventMessageHandle. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param eventMessageHandle The handle to an IoT Hub message. * @param outputName The name of the queue to send the message to. * @param eventConfirmationCallback The callback specified by the module for receiving * confirmation of the delivery of the IoT Hub message. * This callback can be expected to invoke the * IoTHubModuleClient_SendEventAsync function for the * same message in an attempt to retry sending a failing * message. The user can specify a @c NULL value here to * indicate that no callback is required. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @warning: Do not call IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy() from inside your application's callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SendEventToOutputAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE, eventMessageHandle, const char*, outputName, IOTHUB_CLIENT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_CALLBACK, eventConfirmationCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief This API sets callback for method call that is directed to specified 'inputName' queue (e.g. messages from IoTHubModuleClient_SendEventToOutputAsync) * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param inputName The name of the queue to listen on for this moduleMethodCallback/userContextCallback. * @param eventHandlerCallback The callback which will be called by IoT Hub. * @param userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SetInputMessageCallback, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, const char*, inputName, IOTHUB_CLIENT_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_ASYNC, eventHandlerCallback, void*, userContextCallback); #ifdef USE_EDGE_MODULES /** * @brief This API creates a module handle based on environment variables set in the Edge runtime. * NOTE: It is *ONLY* valid when the code is running in a container initiated by Edge. * * * @param protocol Function pointer for protocol implementation. This *MUST* be MQTT_Protocol. * * @remarks The protocol parameter MUST be set to MQTT_Protocol. Using other values will cause undefined behavior. * * @return A non-NULL #IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when * invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, IoTHubModuleClient_CreateFromEnvironment, IOTHUB_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER, protocol); /** * @brief This API invokes a device method on a specified device * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to a create function * @param deviceId The device id of the device to invoke a method on * @param methodName The name of the method * @param methodPayload The method payload (in json format) * * @warning The timeout parameter is ignored. See https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/issues/1378. * The timeout used will be the default for IoT Edge. * * @param responseStatus This pointer will be filled with the response status after invoking the device method * @param responsePayload This pointer will be filled with the response payload * @param responsePayloadSize This pointer will be filled with the response payload size * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success, or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_DeviceMethodInvokeAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, const char*, deviceId, const char*, methodName, const char*, methodPayload, unsigned int, timeout, IOTHUB_METHOD_INVOKE_CALLBACK, methodInvokeCallback, void*, context); /** * @brief This API invokes a module method on a specified module * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to a create function * @param deviceId The device id of the device to invoke a method on * @param moduleId The module id of the module to invoke a method on * @param methodName The name of the method * @param methodPayload The method payload (in json format) * @param timeout The time in seconds before a timeout occurs * * @warning The timeout parameter is ignored. See https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/issues/1378. * The timeout used will be the default for IoT Edge. * * @param responseStatus This pointer will be filled with the response status after invoking the module method * @param responsePayload This pointer will be filled with the response payload * @param responsePayloadSize This pointer will be filled with the response payload size * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success, or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_ModuleMethodInvokeAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, const char*, deviceId, const char*, moduleId, const char*, methodName, const char*, methodPayload, unsigned int, timeout, IOTHUB_METHOD_INVOKE_CALLBACK, methodInvokeCallback, void*, context); #endif /*USE_EDGE_MODULES*/ /** * @brief This API sends an acknowledgement to Azure IoT Hub that a cloud-to-device message has been received and frees resources associated with the message. * * @param iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to a create function. * @param message The cloud-to-device message received through the callback provided to IoTHubModuleClient_SetMessageCallback or IoTHubModuleClient_SetInputMessageCallback. * @param disposition Acknowledgement option for the message. * * @warning This function is to be used only when IOTHUBMESSAGE_ASYNC_ACK is used in the callback for incoming cloud-to-device messages. * @remarks * If your cloud-to-device message callback returned IOTHUBMESSAGE_ASYNC_ACK, it MUST call this API eventually. * Beyond sending acknowledgment to the service, this method also handles freeing message's memory. * Not calling this function will result in memory leaks. * Depending on the protocol used, this API will acknowledge cloud-to-device messages differently: * AMQP: A MESSAGE DISPOSITION is sent using the `disposition` option provided. * MQTT: A PUBACK is sent if `disposition` is `IOTHUBMESSAGE_ACCEPTED`. Passing any other option results in no PUBACK sent for the message. * HTTP: A HTTP request is sent using the `disposition` option provided. * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success, or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SendMessageDisposition, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE, message, IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT, disposition); /** * @brief Asynchronous call to send the telemetry message specified by @p telemetryMessageHandle. * * @param[in] iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param[in] telemetryMessageHandle The handle to an IoT Hub message. * @param[in] telemetryConfirmationCallback Optional callback specified by the module for receiving * confirmation of the delivery of the telemetry. * @param[in] userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @remarks The application behavior is undefined if the user calls * the IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy function from within any callback. * * The IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE instance provided as an argument is copied by the function, * so this argument can be destroyed by the calling application right after IoTHubModuleClient_SendTelemetryAsync returns. * The copy of @p telemetryMessageHandle is later destroyed by the iothub client when the message is successfully sent, if a failure sending it occurs, or if the client is destroyed. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SendTelemetryAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE, telemetryMessageHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_TELEMETRY_CALLBACK, telemetryConfirmationCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief Subscribe to incoming commands from IoT Hub. * * @param[in] iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param[in] commandCallback The callback which will be called when a command request arrives. * @param[in] userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @remarks The application behavior is undefined if the user calls * the IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy function from within any callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SubscribeToCommands, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_COMMAND_CALLBACK_ASYNC, commandCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief Sends module properties to IoT Hub. * * @param[in] iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param[in] properties Serialized property data to be sent to IoT Hub. This buffer can either be * manually serialized created with IoTHubClient_Properties_Serializer_CreateReported() * or IoTHubClient_Properties_Serializer_CreateWritableResponse(). * @param[in] propertiesLength Number of bytes in the properties buffer. * @param[in] propertyAcknowledgedCallback Optional callback specified by the application to be called with the * result of the transaction. * @param[in] userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @remarks The application behavior is undefined if the user calls * the IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy function from within any callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_SendPropertiesAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, const unsigned char*, properties, size_t, propertiesLength, IOTHUB_CLIENT_PROPERTY_ACKNOWLEDGED_CALLBACK, propertyAcknowledgedCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief Retrieves all module properties from IoT Hub. * * @param[in] iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param[in] propertyCallback Callback invoked when properties are retrieved. * The API IoTHubClient_Deserialize_Properties() can help deserialize the raw * payload stream. * @param[in] userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @remarks The application behavior is undefined if the user calls * the IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy function from within any callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_GetPropertiesAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED_CALLBACK, propertyCallback, void*, userContextCallback); /** * @brief Retrieves all module properties from IoT Hub and also subscribes for updates to writable properties. * * @param[in] iotHubModuleClientHandle The handle created by a call to the create function. * @param[in] propertyUpdateCallback Callback both on initial retrieval of properties stored on IoT Hub * and subsequent service-initiated modifications of writable properties. * The API IoTHubClient_Deserialize_Properties() can help deserialize the raw * payload stream. * @param[in] userContextCallback User specified context that will be provided to the * callback. This can be @c NULL. * * @remarks The application behavior is undefined if the user calls * the IoTHubModuleClient_Destroy function from within any callback. * * @return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure. */ MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubModuleClient_GetPropertiesAndSubscribeToUpdatesAsync, IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubModuleClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED_CALLBACK, propertyUpdateCallback, void*, userContextCallback); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* IOTHUB_MODULE_CLIENT_H */