// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/platform.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/tlsio.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/shared_util_options.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/http_proxy_io.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/urlencode.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/azure_base64.h" #include "azure_prov_client/prov_transport_http_client.h" #include "azure_prov_client/internal/prov_transport_private.h" #include "azure_prov_client/prov_client_const.h" #include "azure_uhttp_c/uhttp.h" #include "parson.h" #define HTTP_PORT_NUM 443 #define HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK 200 #define HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK_MAX 226 #define HTTP_STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED 401 static const char* const PROV_REGISTRATION_URI_FMT = "/%s/registrations/%s/register?api-version=%s"; static const char* const PROV_OP_STATUS_URI_FMT = "/%s/registrations/%s/operations/%s?api-version=%s"; static const char* const HEADER_KEY_AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization"; static const char* const HEADER_USER_AGENT = "UserAgent"; static const char* const HEADER_ACCEPT = "Accept"; static const char* const HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; static const char* const HEADER_CONNECTION = "Connection"; static const char* const USER_AGENT_VALUE = "prov_device_client/1.0"; static const char* const ACCEPT_VALUE = "application/json"; static const char* const CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; static const char* const KEEP_ALIVE_VALUE = "keep-alive"; static const char* const KEY_NAME_VALUE = "registration"; MU_DEFINE_ENUM_STRINGS_WITHOUT_INVALID(HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON, HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON_VALUES); typedef enum PROV_TRANSPORT_STATE_TAG { TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_IDLE, TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SEND, TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SENT, TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_RECV, TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_STATUS_SENT, TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_STATUS_RECV, TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_TRANSIENT, TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR } PROV_TRANSPORT_STATE; typedef struct PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO_TAG { PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_REGISTER_CALLBACK register_data_cb; void* user_ctx; PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_CALLBACK status_cb; void* status_ctx; PROV_TRANSPORT_CHALLENGE_CALLBACK challenge_cb; void* challenge_ctx; PROV_TRANSPORT_CREATE_JSON_PAYLOAD json_create_cb; PROV_TRANSPORT_JSON_PARSE json_parse_cb; void* json_ctx; char* hostname; char* proxy_host; int proxy_port; char* username; char* password; char* x509_cert; char* private_key; char* certificate; BUFFER_HANDLE ek; BUFFER_HANDLE srk; char* registration_id; char* scope_id; char* sas_token; BUFFER_HANDLE nonce; char* operation_id; char* api_version; char* payload_data; unsigned int http_status_code; bool http_connected; bool log_trace; PROV_TRANSPORT_STATE transport_state; TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE hsm_type; HTTP_CLIENT_HANDLE http_client; uint32_t retry_after_value; PROV_TRANSPORT_ERROR_CALLBACK error_cb; void* error_ctx; } PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO; static void on_http_error(void* callback_ctx, HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON error_result) { (void)error_result; if (callback_ctx != NULL) { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)callback_ctx; http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; LogError("http error encountered: %s", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON, error_result)); } else { LogError("callback_ctx NULL. http error encountered: %s", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON, error_result)); } } static void on_http_reply_recv(void* callback_ctx, HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON request_result, const unsigned char* content, size_t content_len, unsigned int status_code, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE responseHeadersHandle) { (void)responseHeadersHandle; if (callback_ctx != NULL) { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)callback_ctx; http_info->http_status_code = status_code; if (request_result != HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON_OK) { LogError("Failure http reply %s", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON, request_result)); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } else if ((status_code >= HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK && status_code <= HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK_MAX) || status_code == HTTP_STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED) { if (content != NULL && content_len > 0) { if (http_info->payload_data != NULL) { free(http_info->payload_data); } http_info->payload_data = malloc(content_len + 1); if (http_info->payload_data == NULL) { LogError("Failure sending http request"); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } else { memset(http_info->payload_data, 0, content_len + 1); memcpy(http_info->payload_data, content, content_len); if (http_info->transport_state == TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SENT) { http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_RECV; } else { http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_STATUS_RECV; } } } else { if (http_info->transport_state == TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SENT) { http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_RECV; } else { http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_STATUS_RECV; } } } else if (status_code >= PROV_STATUS_CODE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { // On transient error reset the transport to send state http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_TRANSIENT; } else { LogError("Failure status code sent from the server: %u", status_code); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } // The call to parse_retry_after_value can not fail http_info->retry_after_value = parse_retry_after_value(HTTPHeaders_FindHeaderValue(responseHeadersHandle, RETRY_AFTER_KEY_VALUE)); } else { LogError("Null callback_ctx specified"); } } static void on_http_connected(void* callback_ctx, HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON open_result) { if (callback_ctx != NULL) { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)callback_ctx; if (open_result == HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON_OK) { if (http_info->status_cb != NULL) { http_info->status_cb(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_CONNECTED, http_info->retry_after_value, http_info->status_ctx); } http_info->http_connected = true; } else { LogError("Http connection failed to connect"); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; http_info->http_connected = false; } } else { LogError("Null callback_ctx specified"); } } static HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE construct_http_headers(const char* sas_token) { HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE result; if ((result = HTTPHeaders_Alloc()) == NULL) { LogError("failure sending request"); } else { if ((HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(result, HEADER_USER_AGENT, USER_AGENT_VALUE) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) || (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(result, HEADER_ACCEPT, ACCEPT_VALUE) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) || (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(result, HEADER_CONNECTION, KEEP_ALIVE_VALUE) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) || (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(result, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)) { LogError("failure adding header value"); HTTPHeaders_Free(result); result = NULL; } else { if (sas_token != NULL) { if (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(result, HEADER_KEY_AUTHORIZATION, sas_token) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("failure adding sas_token header value"); HTTPHeaders_Free(result); result = NULL; } } } } return result; } static char* construct_json_data(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info) { char* result; bool data_success = true; STRING_HANDLE encoded_srk = NULL; STRING_HANDLE encoded_ek = NULL; const char* ek_value = NULL; const char* srk_value = NULL; // For TPM we need to add tpm encoded values if (http_info->hsm_type == TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE_TPM) { if ((encoded_ek = Azure_Base64_Encode(http_info->ek)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure encoding ek"); data_success = false; } else if ((encoded_srk = Azure_Base64_Encode(http_info->srk)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure encoding srk"); data_success = false; } else { ek_value = STRING_c_str(encoded_ek); srk_value = STRING_c_str(encoded_srk); } } if (data_success) { result = http_info->json_create_cb(ek_value, srk_value, http_info->json_ctx); } else { result = NULL; } if (encoded_srk != NULL) { STRING_delete(encoded_srk); } if (encoded_ek != NULL) { STRING_delete(encoded_ek); } return result; } static char* construct_url_path(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info) { char* result; size_t path_len; STRING_HANDLE encoded_scope; STRING_HANDLE encoded_reg_id = URL_EncodeString(http_info->registration_id); if (encoded_reg_id == NULL) { LogError("Failure encoding reg id"); result = NULL; } else if ((encoded_scope = URL_EncodeString(http_info->scope_id)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure encoding string value"); STRING_delete(encoded_reg_id); result = NULL; } else { if (http_info->operation_id == NULL) { path_len = strlen(PROV_REGISTRATION_URI_FMT) + STRING_length(encoded_scope) + STRING_length(encoded_reg_id) + strlen(http_info->api_version); if ((result = malloc(path_len + 1)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure allocating url path"); } else { if (sprintf(result, PROV_REGISTRATION_URI_FMT, STRING_c_str(encoded_scope), STRING_c_str(encoded_reg_id), http_info->api_version) == 0) { LogError("Failure constructing url path"); free(result); result = NULL; } } } else { STRING_HANDLE encoded_op_id = URL_EncodeString(http_info->operation_id); if (encoded_op_id == NULL) { LogError("Failure encoding operation id"); result = NULL; } else { path_len = strlen(PROV_OP_STATUS_URI_FMT) + STRING_length(encoded_scope) + STRING_length(encoded_reg_id) + STRING_length(encoded_op_id) + strlen(http_info->api_version); if ((result = malloc(path_len + 1)) == NULL) { LogError("failure allocating retrieval path"); } else { if (sprintf(result, PROV_OP_STATUS_URI_FMT, STRING_c_str(encoded_scope), STRING_c_str(encoded_reg_id), STRING_c_str(encoded_op_id), http_info->api_version) == 0) { LogError("failure allocating retrieval path"); free(result); result = NULL; } } STRING_delete(encoded_op_id); } } STRING_delete(encoded_scope); STRING_delete(encoded_reg_id); } return result; } static int send_registration_info(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info) { int result; char* uri_path; char* json_data; HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE http_headers; if ((http_headers = construct_http_headers(http_info->sas_token)) == NULL) { LogError("failure constructing http headers"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((uri_path = construct_url_path(http_info)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure constructing uri path"); HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((json_data = construct_json_data(http_info)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure constructing json payload"); HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers); free(uri_path); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (uhttp_client_execute_request(http_info->http_client, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_PUT, uri_path, http_headers, (const unsigned char*)json_data, strlen(json_data), on_http_reply_recv, http_info) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("Failure sending http request"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } free(uri_path); free(json_data); HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers); } return result; } static int send_challenge_response(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info) { int result; HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE http_headers; char* uri_path; char* json_data; if ((http_headers = construct_http_headers(http_info->sas_token)) == NULL) { LogError("failure constructing http headers"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((uri_path = construct_url_path(http_info)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure constructing uri path"); HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((json_data = construct_json_data(http_info)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure constructing uri path"); HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers); free(uri_path); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (uhttp_client_execute_request(http_info->http_client, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_PUT, uri_path, http_headers, (const unsigned char*)json_data, strlen(json_data), on_http_reply_recv, http_info) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("Failure sending http request"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } free(json_data); free(uri_path); HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers); } return result; } static void free_json_parse_info(PROV_JSON_INFO* parse_info) { switch (parse_info->prov_status) { case PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_UNASSIGNED: BUFFER_delete(parse_info->authorization_key); free(parse_info->key_name); break; case PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_ASSIGNED: BUFFER_delete(parse_info->authorization_key); free(parse_info->iothub_uri); free(parse_info->device_id); break; case PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_ASSIGNING: free(parse_info->operation_id); break; default: break; } free(parse_info); } static void free_allocated_data(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info) { free(http_info->hostname); free(http_info->registration_id); free(http_info->api_version); free(http_info->scope_id); free(http_info->certificate); free(http_info->proxy_host); free(http_info->x509_cert); free(http_info->private_key); free(http_info->username); free(http_info->password); free(http_info->payload_data); free(http_info->sas_token); free(http_info->operation_id); BUFFER_delete(http_info->ek); BUFFER_delete(http_info->srk); BUFFER_delete(http_info->nonce); if (http_info->http_client != NULL) { uhttp_client_destroy(http_info->http_client); } free(http_info); } static int create_transport_io_object(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info) { int result; if (http_info->http_client == NULL) { TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config; HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG http_proxy; memset(&tls_io_config, 0, sizeof(TLSIO_CONFIG)); tls_io_config.hostname = http_info->hostname; tls_io_config.port = HTTP_PORT_NUM; // Setup proxy if (http_info->proxy_host != NULL) { memset(&http_proxy, 0, sizeof(HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG)); http_proxy.hostname = http_info->hostname; http_proxy.port = HTTP_PORT_NUM; http_proxy.proxy_hostname = http_info->proxy_host; http_proxy.proxy_port = http_info->proxy_port; http_proxy.username = http_info->username; http_proxy.password = http_info->password; tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = http_proxy_io_get_interface_description(); tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &http_proxy; } const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* interface_desc; if ((interface_desc = platform_get_default_tlsio()) == NULL) { LogError("failgetting tls interface description"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((http_info->http_client = uhttp_client_create(interface_desc, &tls_io_config, on_http_error, http_info)) == NULL) { LogError("failed to create http client"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } else { result = 0; } return result; } static int create_connection(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info) { int result; if (create_transport_io_object(http_info) != 0) { LogError("Failure setting transport object"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { (void)uhttp_client_set_trace(http_info->http_client, http_info->log_trace, true); if (http_info->certificate != NULL && uhttp_client_set_trusted_cert(http_info->http_client, http_info->certificate) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("fail to set the trusted certificate in the http client"); uhttp_client_destroy(http_info->http_client); http_info->http_client = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (http_info->hsm_type == TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE_X509) { if (http_info->x509_cert == NULL || http_info->private_key == NULL) { LogError("x509 certificate information was not properly set"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (uhttp_client_set_X509_cert(http_info->http_client, true, http_info->x509_cert, http_info->private_key) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("failed to set x509 certificate information"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } else { result = 0; } } } if (result == 0 && !http_info->http_connected) { if (uhttp_client_open(http_info->http_client, http_info->hostname, HTTP_PORT_NUM, on_http_connected, http_info) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("failed to open http client"); if (http_info->error_cb != NULL) { http_info->error_cb(PROV_DEVICE_ERROR_KEY_FAIL, http_info->error_ctx); } uhttp_client_destroy(http_info->http_client); http_info->http_client = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } return result; } PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE prov_transport_http_create(const char* uri, TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE type, const char* scope_id, const char* api_version, PROV_TRANSPORT_ERROR_CALLBACK error_cb, void* error_ctx) { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* result; if (uri == NULL || scope_id == NULL || api_version == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified uri: %p, scope_id: %p, api_version: %p", uri, scope_id, api_version); result = NULL; } else { result = malloc(sizeof(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO)); if (result == NULL) { LogError("Unable to allocate PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO"); } else { memset(result, 0, sizeof(PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO)); if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->hostname, uri) != 0) { LogError("Failure allocating hostname"); free(result); result = NULL; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->api_version, api_version) != 0) { LogError("Failure allocating api_version"); free_allocated_data(result); result = NULL; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->scope_id, scope_id) != 0) { LogError("Failure allocating scope Id"); free_allocated_data(result); result = NULL; } else { result->retry_after_value = PROV_GET_THROTTLE_TIME; result->hsm_type = type; result->error_cb = error_cb; result->error_ctx = error_ctx; } } } return result; } void prov_transport_http_destroy(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle) { if (handle != NULL) { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; free_allocated_data(http_info); } } int prov_transport_http_open(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle, const char* registration_id, BUFFER_HANDLE ek, BUFFER_HANDLE srk, PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_REGISTER_CALLBACK data_callback, void* user_ctx, PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_CALLBACK status_cb, void* status_ctx, PROV_TRANSPORT_CHALLENGE_CALLBACK reg_challenge_cb, void* challenge_ctx) { int result; PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (http_info == NULL || data_callback == NULL || status_cb == NULL || registration_id == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p, data_callback: %p, status_cb: %p, registration_id: %p", handle, data_callback, status_cb, registration_id); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((http_info->hsm_type == TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE_TPM || http_info->hsm_type == TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE_SYMM_KEY) && reg_challenge_cb == NULL) { LogError("registration challenge callback must be set"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (http_info->hsm_type == TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE_TPM && (ek == NULL || srk == NULL)) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified ek: %p, srk: %p", ek, srk); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (ek != NULL && (http_info->ek = BUFFER_clone(ek)) == NULL) { LogError("Unable to allocate endorsement key"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (srk != NULL && (http_info->srk = BUFFER_clone(srk)) == NULL) { LogError("Unable to allocate storage root key"); BUFFER_delete(http_info->ek); http_info->ek = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->registration_id, registration_id) != 0) { LogError("failure constructing registration Id"); BUFFER_delete(http_info->ek); http_info->ek = NULL; BUFFER_delete(http_info->srk); http_info->srk = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((http_info->hsm_type == TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE_SYMM_KEY) && (http_info->sas_token = reg_challenge_cb(NULL, 0, KEY_NAME_VALUE, challenge_ctx)) == NULL) { LogError("failure constructing challenge value"); BUFFER_delete(http_info->ek); http_info->ek = NULL; BUFFER_delete(http_info->srk); http_info->srk = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { http_info->register_data_cb = data_callback; http_info->user_ctx = user_ctx; http_info->status_cb = status_cb; http_info->status_ctx = status_ctx; http_info->challenge_cb = reg_challenge_cb; http_info->challenge_ctx = challenge_ctx; if (create_connection(http_info) != 0) { LogError("Failure creating http connection"); if (http_info->ek != NULL) { BUFFER_delete(http_info->ek); http_info->ek = NULL; } if (http_info->srk != NULL) { BUFFER_delete(http_info->srk); http_info->srk = NULL; } http_info->register_data_cb = NULL; http_info->user_ctx = NULL; http_info->status_cb = NULL; http_info->status_ctx = NULL; free(http_info->registration_id); http_info->registration_id = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } return result; } int prov_transport_http_close(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle) { int result; if (handle == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p", handle); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (http_info->http_client != NULL) { BUFFER_delete(http_info->ek); http_info->ek = NULL; BUFFER_delete(http_info->srk); http_info->srk = NULL; free(http_info->registration_id); http_info->registration_id = NULL; uhttp_client_close(http_info->http_client, NULL, NULL); uhttp_client_dowork(http_info->http_client); uhttp_client_destroy(http_info->http_client); http_info->http_client = NULL; } http_info->http_connected = false; result = 0; } return result; } int prov_transport_http_register_device(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle, PROV_TRANSPORT_JSON_PARSE json_parse_cb, PROV_TRANSPORT_CREATE_JSON_PAYLOAD json_create_cb, void* json_ctx) { int result; PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (http_info == NULL || json_parse_cb == NULL || json_create_cb == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p, json_parse_cb: %p", handle, json_parse_cb); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (http_info->transport_state == TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR) { LogError("Provisioning is in an error state, close the connection and try again."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SEND; http_info->json_parse_cb = json_parse_cb; http_info->json_create_cb = json_create_cb; http_info->json_ctx = json_ctx; result = 0; } return result; } int prov_transport_http_get_operation_status(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle) { int result; if (handle == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p", handle); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE http_headers; char* uri_path; if (http_info->operation_id == NULL) { LogError("operation_id was not previously set in the challenge method"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((http_headers = construct_http_headers(http_info->sas_token)) == NULL) { LogError("failure constructing http headers"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((uri_path = construct_url_path(http_info)) == NULL) { LogError("Failure constructing uri path"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (uhttp_client_execute_request(http_info->http_client, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_GET, uri_path, http_headers, NULL, 0, on_http_reply_recv, http_info) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("Failure sending data to server"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_STATUS_SENT; result = 0; } HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers); free(uri_path); } } return result; } void prov_transport_http_dowork(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle) { if (handle != NULL) { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; uhttp_client_dowork(http_info->http_client); if (http_info->http_connected || http_info->transport_state == TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR) { switch (http_info->transport_state) { case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SEND: if (send_registration_info(http_info) != 0) { LogError("NULL sas_token provided in challenge callback."); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } else { http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SENT; } break; case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_STATUS_RECV: case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_RECV: { PROV_JSON_INFO* parse_info = http_info->json_parse_cb(http_info->payload_data, http_info->json_ctx); if (parse_info == NULL) { LogError("Unable to process registration reply."); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } else { switch (parse_info->prov_status) { case PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_ASSIGNED: http_info->register_data_cb(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_RESULT_OK, parse_info->authorization_key, parse_info->iothub_uri, parse_info->device_id, http_info->user_ctx); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_IDLE; break; case PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_UNASSIGNED: { const unsigned char* nonce = BUFFER_u_char(parse_info->authorization_key); size_t nonce_len = BUFFER_length(parse_info->authorization_key); http_info->sas_token = http_info->challenge_cb(nonce, nonce_len, parse_info->key_name, http_info->user_ctx); if (http_info->sas_token == NULL) { LogError("NULL sas_token provided in challenge callback."); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } else { send_challenge_response(http_info); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SENT; } break; } case PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_ASSIGNING: if (parse_info->operation_id == NULL) { LogError("Failure operation Id invalid"); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } else if (http_info->operation_id == NULL && mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->operation_id, parse_info->operation_id) != 0) { LogError("Failure copying operation Id"); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; } else { if (http_info->status_cb != NULL) { http_info->status_cb(parse_info->prov_status, http_info->retry_after_value, http_info->status_ctx); } http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_IDLE; } break; default: case PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_ERROR: LogError("Unable to process status reply"); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; break; } free_json_parse_info(parse_info); } break; } case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_TRANSIENT: if (http_info->status_cb != NULL) { http_info->status_cb(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_STATUS_TRANSIENT, http_info->retry_after_value, http_info->status_ctx); } http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_IDLE; break; case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR: http_info->register_data_cb(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_RESULT_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, http_info->user_ctx); http_info->transport_state = TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_IDLE; break; case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_REG_SENT: case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_STATUS_SENT: case TRANSPORT_CLIENT_STATE_IDLE: default: break; } } } } int prov_transport_http_set_trace(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle, bool trace_on) { int result; if (handle == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p", handle); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (http_info->hsm_type == TRANSPORT_HSM_TYPE_X509) { http_info->log_trace = trace_on; if (http_info->http_client != NULL) { (void)uhttp_client_set_trace(http_info->http_client, http_info->log_trace, http_info->log_trace); } result = 0; } else { LogError("Unable to enable logging when not using x509 certificates"); result = MU_FAILURE; } } return result; } static int prov_transport_http_x509_cert(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle, const char* certificate, const char* private_key) { int result; if (handle == NULL || certificate == NULL || private_key == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p, certificate: %p, private_key: %p", handle, certificate, private_key); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (http_info->x509_cert != NULL) { free(http_info->x509_cert); } if (http_info->private_key != NULL) { free(http_info->private_key); } if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->x509_cert, certificate) != 0) { result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("failure allocating certificate"); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->private_key, private_key) != 0) { free(http_info->x509_cert); http_info->x509_cert = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("failure allocating certificate"); } else { result = 0; } } return result; } static int prov_transport_http_set_trusted_cert(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle, const char* certificate) { int result; if (handle == NULL || certificate == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p, certificate: %p", handle, certificate); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (http_info->certificate != NULL) { free(http_info->certificate); } if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->certificate, certificate) != 0) { result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("failure allocating certificate"); } else { result = 0; } } return result; } static int prov_transport_http_set_proxy(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle, const HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS* proxy_options) { int result; if (handle == NULL || proxy_options == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p, proxy_options: %p", handle, proxy_options); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (proxy_options->host_address == NULL) { LogError("NULL host_address in proxy options"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (((proxy_options->username == NULL) || (proxy_options->password == NULL)) && (proxy_options->username != proxy_options->password)) { LogError("Only one of username and password for proxy settings was NULL"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (http_info->proxy_host != NULL) { free(http_info->proxy_host); } if (http_info->username != NULL) { free(http_info->username); http_info->username = NULL; } if (http_info->password != NULL) { free(http_info->password); http_info->password = NULL; } http_info->proxy_port = proxy_options->port; if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->proxy_host, proxy_options->host_address) != 0) { LogError("Failure setting proxy_host name"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (proxy_options->username != NULL && mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->username, proxy_options->username) != 0) { free(http_info->proxy_host); http_info->proxy_host = NULL; LogError("Failure setting proxy username"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (proxy_options->password != NULL && mallocAndStrcpy_s(&http_info->password, proxy_options->password) != 0) { LogError("Failure setting proxy password"); free(http_info->proxy_host); http_info->proxy_host = NULL; free(http_info->username); http_info->username = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } } return result; } static int prov_transport_http_set_option(PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_HANDLE handle, const char* option, const void* value) { int result; // needs to invoke correct behavior if (handle == NULL || option == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p, option: %p", handle, option); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO* http_info = (PROV_TRANSPORT_HTTP_INFO*)handle; if (http_info->http_client == NULL && create_transport_io_object(http_info) != 0) { LogError("Failure creating transport io object"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HTTP_CLIENT_RESULT http_result = uhttp_client_set_option(http_info->http_client, option, value); if (http_result != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } } return result; } static PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER prov_http_func = { prov_transport_http_create, prov_transport_http_destroy, prov_transport_http_open, prov_transport_http_close, prov_transport_http_register_device, prov_transport_http_get_operation_status, prov_transport_http_dowork, prov_transport_http_set_trace, prov_transport_http_x509_cert, prov_transport_http_set_trusted_cert, prov_transport_http_set_proxy, prov_transport_http_set_option }; const PROV_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER* Prov_Device_HTTP_Protocol(void) { return &prov_http_func; }