// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include #include #include "azure_macro_utils/macro_utils.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/singlylinkedlist.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/amqp_management.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/link.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/message_sender.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/message_receiver.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/messaging.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/amqp_definitions.h" static const char sender_suffix[] = "-sender"; static const char receiver_suffix[] = "-receiver"; #define COUNT_CHARS(str) (sizeof(str) / sizeof((str)[0]) - 1) typedef struct OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE_TAG { ON_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_COMPLETE on_execute_operation_complete; void* callback_context; uint64_t message_id; bool message_send_confirmed; AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management; ASYNC_OPERATION_HANDLE send_async_context; ASYNC_OPERATION_HANDLE execute_async_operation; } OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE; DEFINE_ASYNC_OPERATION_CONTEXT(OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE); typedef enum AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_TAG { AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPENING, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_CLOSING, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPEN, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_ERROR } AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE; typedef struct AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE_TAG { LINK_HANDLE sender_link; LINK_HANDLE receiver_link; MESSAGE_SENDER_HANDLE message_sender; MESSAGE_RECEIVER_HANDLE message_receiver; SINGLYLINKEDLIST_HANDLE pending_operations; uint64_t next_message_id; ON_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_COMPLETE on_amqp_management_open_complete; void* on_amqp_management_open_complete_context; ON_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_ERROR on_amqp_management_error; void* on_amqp_management_error_context; AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE amqp_management_state; char* status_code_key_name; char* status_description_key_name; unsigned int sender_connected : 1; unsigned int receiver_connected : 1; } AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE; static AMQP_VALUE on_message_received(const void* context, MESSAGE_HANDLE message) { AMQP_VALUE result; if (context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_108: [ When `on_message_received` is called with a NULL context, it shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL context in on_message_received"); result = NULL; } else { AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management = (AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE)context; AMQP_VALUE application_properties; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_109: [ `on_message_received` shall obtain the application properties from the message by calling `message_get_application_properties`. ]*/ if (message_get_application_properties(message, &application_properties) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_113: [ If obtaining the application properties or message properties fails, an error shall be indicated by calling `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not retrieve application properties"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_136: [ When `on_message_received` fails due to errors in parsing the response message `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_rejected` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not get application properties on AMQP management response."); } else { PROPERTIES_HANDLE response_properties; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_110: [ `on_message_received` shall obtain the message properties from the message by calling `message_get_properties`. ]*/ if (message_get_properties(message, &response_properties) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_113: [ If obtaining the application properties or message properties fails, an error shall be indicated by calling `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not retrieve message properties"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_136: [ When `on_message_received` fails due to errors in parsing the response message `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_rejected` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not get message properties on AMQP management response."); } else { AMQP_VALUE key; AMQP_VALUE value; AMQP_VALUE desc_key; AMQP_VALUE desc_value; AMQP_VALUE map; AMQP_VALUE correlation_id_value; uint64_t correlation_id; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_111: [ `on_message_received` shall obtain the correlation Id from the message properties by using `properties_get_correlation_id`. ]*/ if (properties_get_correlation_id(response_properties, &correlation_id_value) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_114: [ If obtaining the correlation Id fails, an error shall be indicated by calling `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ] */ LogError("Could not retrieve correlation Id"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_136: [ When `on_message_received` fails due to errors in parsing the response message `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_rejected` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not get correlation Id from AMQP management response."); } else { if (amqpvalue_get_ulong(correlation_id_value, &correlation_id) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_132: [ If any functions manipulating AMQP values, application properties, etc., fail, an error shall be indicated to the consumer by calling the `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not retrieve correlation Id ulong value"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_136: [ When `on_message_received` fails due to errors in parsing the response message `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_rejected` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not get correlation Id from AMQP management response."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_119: [ `on_message_received` shall obtain the application properties map by calling `amqpvalue_get_inplace_described_value`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_070: [ Response messages have the following application-properties: ]*/ map = amqpvalue_get_inplace_described_value(application_properties); if (map == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_132: [ If any functions manipulating AMQP values, application properties, etc., fail, an error shall be indicated to the consumer by calling the `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not retrieve application property map"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_136: [ When `on_message_received` fails due to errors in parsing the response message `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_rejected` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not get application property map from the application properties in the AMQP management response."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_120: [ An AMQP value used to lookup the status code shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_string` with the status code key name (`statusCode`) as argument. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_071: [ statusCode integer Yes HTTP response code [RFC2616] ]*/ key = amqpvalue_create_string(amqp_management->status_code_key_name); if (key == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_132: [ If any functions manipulating AMQP values, application properties, etc., fail, an error shall be indicated to the consumer by calling the `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not create status-code amqp value"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_135: [ When an error occurs in creating AMQP values (for status code, etc.) `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_released` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_released(); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_121: [ The status code shall be looked up in the application properties by using `amqpvalue_get_map_value`. ]*/ value = amqpvalue_get_map_value(map, key); if (value == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_122: [ If status code is not found an error shall be indicated to the consumer by calling the `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not retrieve status code from application properties"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_136: [ When `on_message_received` fails due to errors in parsing the response message `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_rejected` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not retrieve status code from the application properties in the AMQP management response."); } else { int32_t status_code; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_133: [ The status code value shall be extracted from the value found in the map by using `amqpvalue_get_int`. ]*/ if (amqpvalue_get_int(value, &status_code) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_132: [ If any functions manipulating AMQP values, application properties, etc., fail, an error shall be indicated to the consumer by calling the `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not retrieve status code int value"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_136: [ When `on_message_received` fails due to errors in parsing the response message `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_rejected` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not retrieve status code value from the application properties in the AMQP management response."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_123: [ An AMQP value used to lookup the status description shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_string` with the status description key name (`statusDescription`) as argument. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_072: [ statusDescription string No Description of the status. ]*/ desc_key = amqpvalue_create_string(amqp_management->status_description_key_name); if (desc_key == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_132: [ If any functions manipulating AMQP values, application properties, etc., fail, an error shall be indicated to the consumer by calling the `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not create status-description amqp value"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_135: [ When an error occurs in creating AMQP values (for status code, etc.) `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_released` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_released(); } else { const char* status_description = NULL; LIST_ITEM_HANDLE list_item_handle; bool found = false; bool is_error = false; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_124: [ The status description shall be looked up in the application properties by using `amqpvalue_get_map_value`. ]*/ desc_value = amqpvalue_get_map_value(map, desc_key); if (desc_value != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_134: [ The status description value shall be extracted from the value found in the map by using `amqpvalue_get_string`. ]*/ if (amqpvalue_get_string(desc_value, &status_description) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_125: [ If status description is not found, NULL shall be passed to the user callback as `status_description` argument. ]*/ status_description = NULL; } } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_125: [ If status description is not found, NULL shall be passed to the user callback as `status_description` argument. ]*/ status_description = NULL; } list_item_handle = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(amqp_management->pending_operations); while (list_item_handle != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_116: [ Each pending operation item value shall be obtained by calling `singlylinkedlist_item_get_value`. ]*/ OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE* operation_message = (OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE*)singlylinkedlist_item_get_value(list_item_handle); if (operation_message == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_117: [ If iterating through the pending operations list fails, an error shall be indicated by calling `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not create status-description amqp value"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_135: [ When an error occurs in creating AMQP values (for status code, etc.) `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_released` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ messaging_delivery_released(); break; } else { AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_RESULT execute_operation_result; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_112: [ `on_message_received` shall check if the correlation Id matches the stored message Id of any pending operation. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_068: [ The correlation-id of the response message MUST be the correlation-id from the request message (if present) ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_069: [ else the message-id from the request message. ]*/ if (correlation_id == operation_message->message_id) { if (!operation_message->message_send_confirmed) { LogError("Did not receive send confirmation for pending operation"); execute_operation_result = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_FAILED_BAD_STATUS; if (async_operation_cancel(operation_message->send_async_context) != 0) { LogError("Failed cancelling pending send operation"); is_error = true; } } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_074: [ Successful operations MUST result in a statusCode in the 2xx range as defined in Section 10.2 of [RFC2616]. ]*/ else if ((status_code < 200) || (status_code > 299)) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_128: [ If the status indicates that the operation failed, the result callback argument shall be `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_FAILED_BAD_STATUS`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_075: [ Unsuccessful operations MUST NOT result in a statusCode in the 2xx range as defined in Section 10.2 of [RFC2616]. ]*/ execute_operation_result = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_FAILED_BAD_STATUS; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_127: [ If the operation succeeded the result callback argument shall be `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_OK`. ]*/ execute_operation_result = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_OK; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_126: [ If a corresponding correlation Id is found in the pending operations list, the callback associated with the pending operation shall be called. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_166: [ The `message` shall be passed as argument to the callback. ]*/ if (operation_message->on_execute_operation_complete != NULL) { // Check for NULL in case operation has been cancelled. operation_message->on_execute_operation_complete(operation_message->callback_context, execute_operation_result, status_code, status_description, message); } async_operation_destroy(operation_message->execute_async_operation); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_129: [ After calling the callback, the pending operation shall be removed from the pending operations list by calling `singlylinkedlist_remove`. ]*/ if (singlylinkedlist_remove(amqp_management->pending_operations, list_item_handle) != 0) { LogError("Cannot remove pending operation"); is_error = true; } else { found = true; } break; } } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_115: [ Iterating through the pending operations shall be done by using `singlylinkedlist_get_head_item` and `singlylinkedlist_get_next_item` until the enm of the pending operations singly linked list is reached. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_117: [ If iterating through the pending operations list fails, an error shall be indicated by calling `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ list_item_handle = singlylinkedlist_get_next_item(list_item_handle); } if (is_error) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_117: [ If iterating through the pending operations list fails, an error shall be indicated by calling `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_135: [ When an error occurs in creating AMQP values (for status code, etc.) `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_released` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_released(); } else { if (!found) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_118: [ If no pending operation is found matching the correlation Id, an error shall be indicated by calling `on_amqp_management_error` and passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` to it. ]*/ LogError("Could not match AMQP management response to request"); amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_135: [ When an error occurs in creating AMQP values (for status code, etc.) `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_released` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_rejected("amqp:internal-error", "Could not match AMQP management response to request"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_130: [ The `on_message_received` shall call `messaging_delivery_accepted` and return the created delivery AMQP value. ]*/ result = messaging_delivery_accepted(); } } if (desc_value != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_131: [ All temporary values like AMQP values used as keys shall be freed before exiting the callback. ]*/ amqpvalue_destroy(desc_value); } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_131: [ All temporary values like AMQP values used as keys shall be freed before exiting the callback. ]*/ amqpvalue_destroy(desc_key); } } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_131: [ All temporary values like AMQP values used as keys shall be freed before exiting the callback. ]*/ amqpvalue_destroy(value); } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_131: [ All temporary values like AMQP values used as keys shall be freed before exiting the callback. ]*/ amqpvalue_destroy(key); } } } } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_131: [ All temporary values like AMQP values used as keys shall be freed before exiting the callback. ]*/ properties_destroy(response_properties); } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_131: [ All temporary values like AMQP values used as keys shall be freed before exiting the callback. ]*/ application_properties_destroy(application_properties); } } return result; } static void on_message_send_complete(void* context, MESSAGE_SEND_RESULT send_result, AMQP_VALUE delivery_state) { (void)delivery_state; if (context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_167: [ When `on_message_send_complete` is called with a NULL context it shall return. ]*/ LogError("NULL context"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_168: [ - `context` shall be used as a LIST_ITEM_HANDLE containing the pending operation. ]*/ LIST_ITEM_HANDLE pending_operation_list_item_handle = (LIST_ITEM_HANDLE)context; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_169: [ - `on_message_send_complete` shall obtain the pending operation by calling `singlylinkedlist_item_get_value`. ]*/ OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE* pending_operation_message = (OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE*)singlylinkedlist_item_get_value(pending_operation_list_item_handle); if (send_result == MESSAGE_SEND_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_170: [ If `send_result` is `MESSAGE_SEND_OK`, `on_message_send_complete` shall return. ]*/ pending_operation_message->message_send_confirmed = true; pending_operation_message->send_async_context = NULL; } else if (send_result == MESSAGE_SEND_CANCELLED) { // Nothing to be done. } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_172: [ If `send_result` is different then `MESSAGE_SEND_OK`: ]*/ AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management = pending_operation_message->amqp_management; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_171: [ - `on_message_send_complete` shall removed the pending operation from the pending operations list. ]*/ if (singlylinkedlist_remove(amqp_management->pending_operations, pending_operation_list_item_handle) != 0) { /* Tests_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_174: [ If any error occurs in removing the pending operation from the list `on_amqp_management_error` callback shall be invoked while passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` as argument. ]*/ amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context); LogError("Cannot remove pending operation"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_173: [ - The callback associated with the pending operation shall be called with `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_ERROR`. ]*/ if (pending_operation_message->on_execute_operation_complete != NULL) { // Check for NULL in case operation has been cancelled. pending_operation_message->on_execute_operation_complete(pending_operation_message->callback_context, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_ERROR, 0, NULL, NULL); } async_operation_destroy(pending_operation_message->execute_async_operation); } } } } static void on_message_sender_state_changed(void* context, MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE new_state, MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE previous_state) { if (context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_137: [ When `on_message_sender_state_changed` is called with NULL `context`, it shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("on_message_sender_state_changed called with NULL context"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_138: [ When `on_message_sender_state_changed` is called and the `new_state` is different than `previous_state`, the following actions shall be taken: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_148: [ When no state change is detected, `on_message_sender_state_changed` shall do nothing. ]*/ if (new_state != previous_state) { AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE* amqp_management_instance = (AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE*)context; switch (amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state) { default: break; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_139: [ For the current state of AMQP management being `OPENING`: ]*/ case AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPENING: { switch (new_state) { case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPENING: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_165: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEING` the transition shall be ignored. ]*/ break; default: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_140: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_IDLE`, `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_CLOSING` or `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_ERROR`, the `on_amqp_management_open_complete` callback shall be called with `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_ERROR`, while also passing the context passed in `amqp_management_open_async`. ]*/ case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_IDLE: case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_CLOSING: case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_ERROR: amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE; amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete(amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete_context, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_ERROR); break; case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEN: amqp_management_instance->sender_connected = 1; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_142: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEN` and the message receiver did not yet indicate its state as `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN`, the `on_amqp_management_open_complete` callback shall not be called.]*/ if (amqp_management_instance->receiver_connected != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_141: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEN` and the message receiver already indicated its state as `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN`, the `on_amqp_management_open_complete` callback shall be called with `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_OK`, while also passing the context passed in `amqp_management_open_async`. ]*/ amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPEN; amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete(amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete_context, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_OK); } break; } break; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_144: [ For the current state of AMQP management being `OPEN`: ]*/ case AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPEN: { switch (new_state) { default: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_143: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_IDLE`, `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPENING`, `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_CLOSING` or `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_ERROR` the `on_amqp_management_error` callback shall be invoked while passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` as argument. ]*/ case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_IDLE: case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_CLOSING: case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_ERROR: amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_ERROR; amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_error_context); break; case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEN: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_145: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEN`, `on_message_sender_state_changed` shall do nothing. ]*/ break; } break; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_09_001: [ For the current state of AMQP management being `CLOSING`: ]*/ case AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_CLOSING: { switch (new_state) { default: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_09_002: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEN`, `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPENING`, `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_ERROR` the `on_amqp_management_error` callback shall be invoked while passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` as argument. ]*/ case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPEN: case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_OPENING: case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_ERROR: amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_ERROR; amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_error_context); break; case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_IDLE: case MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_CLOSING: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_09_003: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_CLOSING` or `MESSAGE_SENDER_STATE_IDLE`, `on_message_sender_state_changed` shall do nothing. ]*/ break; } break; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_146: [ For the current state of AMQP management being `ERROR`: ]*/ case AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_ERROR: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_147: [ - All state transitions shall be ignored. ]*/ break; } } } } static void on_message_receiver_state_changed(const void* context, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE new_state, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE previous_state) { if (context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_149: [ When `on_message_receiver_state_changed` is called with NULL `context`, it shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("on_message_receiver_state_changed called with NULL context"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_150: [ When `on_message_receiver_state_changed` is called and the `new_state` is different than `previous_state`, the following actions shall be taken: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_160: [ When no state change is detected, `on_message_receiver_state_changed` shall do nothing. ]*/ if (new_state != previous_state) { AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE* amqp_management_instance = (AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE*)context; switch (amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state) { default: break; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_151: [ For the current state of AMQP management being `OPENING`: ]*/ case AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPENING: { switch (new_state) { case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPENING: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_164: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEING` the transition shall be ignored. ]*/ break; default: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_152: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_IDLE`, `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_CLOSING` or `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_ERROR`, the `on_amqp_management_open_complete` callback shall be called with `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_ERROR`, while also passing the context passed in `amqp_management_open_async`. ]*/ case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_IDLE: case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_CLOSING: case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_ERROR: amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE; amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete(amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete_context, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_ERROR); break; case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN: amqp_management_instance->receiver_connected = 1; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_154: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN` and the message sender did not yet indicate its state as `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN`, the `on_amqp_management_open_complete` callback shall not be called. ]*/ if (amqp_management_instance->sender_connected != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_153: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN` and the message sender already indicated its state as `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN`, the `on_amqp_management_open_complete` callback shall be called with `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_OK`, while also passing the context passed in `amqp_management_open_async`. ]*/ amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPEN; amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete(amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_open_complete_context, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_OK); } break; } break; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_155: [ For the current state of AMQP management being `OPEN`: ]*/ case AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPEN: { switch (new_state) { default: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_156: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_IDLE`, `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPENING`, `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_CLOSING` or `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_ERROR` the `on_amqp_management_error` callback shall be invoked while passing the `on_amqp_management_error_context` as argument. ]*/ case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_IDLE: case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_CLOSING: case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_ERROR: amqp_management_instance->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_ERROR; amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_error(amqp_management_instance->on_amqp_management_error_context); break; case MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_157: [ - If `new_state` is `MESSAGE_RECEIVER_STATE_OPEN`, `on_message_receiver_state_changed` shall do nothing. ]*/ break; } break; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_158: [ For the current state of AMQP management being `ERROR`: ]*/ case AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_ERROR: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_159: [ - All state transitions shall be ignored. ]*/ break; } } } } static int set_message_id(MESSAGE_HANDLE message, uint64_t next_message_id) { int result; PROPERTIES_HANDLE properties; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_094: [ In order to set the message Id on the message, the properties shall be obtained by calling `message_get_properties`. ]*/ if (message_get_properties(message, &properties) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_098: [ If any API fails while setting the message Id, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not retrieve message properties"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_099: [ If the properties were not set on the message, a new properties instance shall be created by calling `properties_create`. ]*/ if (properties == NULL) { properties = properties_create(); } if (properties == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_098: [ If any API fails while setting the message Id, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not create message properties"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_095: [ A message Id with the next ulong value to be used shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_message_id_ulong`. ]*/ AMQP_VALUE message_id = amqpvalue_create_message_id_ulong(next_message_id); if (message_id == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_098: [ If any API fails while setting the message Id, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not create message id value"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_096: [ The message Id value shall be set on the properties by calling `properties_set_message_id`. ]*/ if (properties_set_message_id(properties, message_id) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_098: [ If any API fails while setting the message Id, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not set message Id on the properties"); result = MU_FAILURE; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_097: [ The properties thus modified to contain the message Id shall be set on the message by calling `message_set_properties`. ]*/ else if (message_set_properties(message, properties) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_098: [ If any API fails while setting the message Id, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not set message properties"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } amqpvalue_destroy(message_id); } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_100: [ After setting the properties, the properties instance shall be freed by `properties_destroy`. ]*/ properties_destroy(properties); } } return result; } static int add_string_key_value_pair_to_map(AMQP_VALUE map, const char* key, const char* value) { int result; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_084: [ For each of the arguments `operation`, `type` and `locales` an AMQP value of type string shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_string` in order to be used as key in the application properties map. ]*/ AMQP_VALUE key_value = amqpvalue_create_string(key); if (key_value == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_090: [ If any APIs used to create and set the application properties on the message fails, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not create key value for %s", key); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_085: [ For each of the arguments `operation`, `type` and `locales` an AMQP value of type string containing the argument value shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_string` in order to be used as value in the application properties map. ]*/ AMQP_VALUE value_value = amqpvalue_create_string(value); if (value_value == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_090: [ If any APIs used to create and set the application properties on the message fails, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not create value for key %s", key); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_086: [ The key/value pairs for `operation`, `type` and `locales` shall be added to the application properties map by calling `amqpvalue_set_map_value`. ]*/ if (amqpvalue_set_map_value(map, key_value, value_value) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_090: [ If any APIs used to create and set the application properties on the message fails, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not set the value in the map for key %s", key); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } amqpvalue_destroy(value_value); } amqpvalue_destroy(key_value); } return result; } static int internal_set_status_code_key_name(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management, const char* status_code_key_name) { int result; char* copied_status_code_key_name; if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&copied_status_code_key_name, status_code_key_name) != 0) { LogError("Cannot copy status code key name"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (amqp_management->status_code_key_name != NULL) { free(amqp_management->status_code_key_name); } amqp_management->status_code_key_name = copied_status_code_key_name; result = 0; } return result; } static int internal_set_status_description_key_name(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management, const char* status_description_key_name) { int result; char* copied_status_description_key_name; if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&copied_status_description_key_name, status_description_key_name) != 0) { LogError("Cannot copy status description key name"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (amqp_management->status_description_key_name != NULL) { free(amqp_management->status_description_key_name); } amqp_management->status_description_key_name = copied_status_description_key_name; result = 0; } return result; } AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management_create(SESSION_HANDLE session, const char* management_node) { AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE* amqp_management; if ((session == NULL) || (management_node == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_002: [ If `session` or `management_node` is NULL then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Bad arguments: session = %p, management_node = %p", session, management_node); amqp_management = NULL; } else if (strlen(management_node) == 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_030: [ If `management_node` is an empty string, then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Empty string management node"); amqp_management = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_001: [ `amqp_management_create` shall create a new CBS instance and on success return a non-NULL handle to it. ]*/ amqp_management = (AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE*)calloc(1, sizeof(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_INSTANCE)); if (amqp_management == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_005: [ If allocating memory for the new handle fails, `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Cannot allocate memory for AMQP management handle"); } else { amqp_management->sender_connected = 0; amqp_management->receiver_connected = 0; amqp_management->on_amqp_management_open_complete = NULL; amqp_management->on_amqp_management_open_complete_context = NULL; amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error = NULL; amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context = NULL; amqp_management->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE; amqp_management->status_code_key_name = NULL; amqp_management->status_description_key_name = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_003: [ `amqp_management_create` shall create a singly linked list for pending operations by calling `singlylinkedlist_create`. ]*/ amqp_management->pending_operations = singlylinkedlist_create(); if (amqp_management->pending_operations == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_004: [ If `singlylinkedlist_create` fails, `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Cannot create pending operations list"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_181: [ `amqp_management_create` shall set the status code key name to be used for parsing the status code to `statusCode`. ]*/ if (internal_set_status_code_key_name(amqp_management, "statusCode") != 0) { LogError("Cannot set status code key name"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_182: [ `amqp_management_create` shall set the status description key name to be used for parsing the status description to `statusDescription`. ]*/ if (internal_set_status_description_key_name(amqp_management, "statusDescription") != 0) { LogError("Cannot set status description key name"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_010: [ The `source` argument shall be a value created by calling `messaging_create_source` with `management_node` as argument. ]*/ AMQP_VALUE source = messaging_create_source(management_node); if (source == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_012: [ If `messaging_create_source` fails then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed creating source AMQP value"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_011: [ The `target` argument shall be a value created by calling `messaging_create_target` with `management_node` as argument. ]*/ AMQP_VALUE target = messaging_create_target(management_node); if (target == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_013: [ If `messaging_create_target` fails then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed creating target AMQP value"); } else { size_t management_node_length = strlen(management_node); char* sender_link_name = (char*)malloc(management_node_length + COUNT_CHARS(sender_suffix) + 1); if (sender_link_name == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_033: [ If any other error occurs `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed allocating memory for sender link name"); } else { char* receiver_link_name; (void)memcpy(sender_link_name, management_node, management_node_length); (void)memcpy(sender_link_name + management_node_length, sender_suffix, COUNT_CHARS(sender_suffix) + 1); receiver_link_name = (char*)malloc(management_node_length + COUNT_CHARS(receiver_suffix) + 1); if (receiver_link_name == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_033: [ If any other error occurs `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed allocating memory for receiver link name"); } else { (void)memcpy(receiver_link_name, management_node, management_node_length); (void)memcpy(receiver_link_name + management_node_length, receiver_suffix, COUNT_CHARS(receiver_suffix) + 1); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_006: [ `amqp_management_create` shall create a sender link by calling `link_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_007: [ The `session` argument shall be set to `session`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_008: [ The `name` argument shall be constructed by concatenating the `management_node` value with `-sender`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_009: [ The `role` argument shall be `role_sender`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_019: [ The `source` argument shall be the value created by calling `messaging_create_source`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_020: [ The `target` argument shall be the value created by calling `messaging_create_target`. ]*/ amqp_management->sender_link = link_create(session, sender_link_name, role_sender, source, target); if (amqp_management->sender_link == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_014: [ If `link_create` fails when creating the sender link then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed creating sender link"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_015: [ `amqp_management_create` shall create a receiver link by calling `link_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_016: [ The `session` argument shall be set to `session`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_017: [ The `name` argument shall be constructed by concatenating the `management_node` value with `-receiver`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_018: [ The `role` argument shall be `role_receiver`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_019: [ The `source` argument shall be the value created by calling `messaging_create_source`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_020: [ The `target` argument shall be the value created by calling `messaging_create_target`. ]*/ amqp_management->receiver_link = link_create(session, receiver_link_name, role_receiver, source, target); if (amqp_management->receiver_link == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_021: [ If `link_create` fails when creating the receiver link then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed creating receiver link"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_022: [ `amqp_management_create` shall create a message sender by calling `messagesender_create` and passing to it the sender link handle. ]*/ amqp_management->message_sender = messagesender_create(amqp_management->sender_link, on_message_sender_state_changed, amqp_management); if (amqp_management->message_sender == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_031: [ If `messagesender_create` fails then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed creating message sender"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_023: [ `amqp_management_create` shall create a message receiver by calling `messagereceiver_create` and passing to it the receiver link handle. ]*/ amqp_management->message_receiver = messagereceiver_create(amqp_management->receiver_link, on_message_receiver_state_changed, amqp_management); if (amqp_management->message_receiver == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_032: [ If `messagereceiver_create` fails then `amqp_management_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed creating message receiver"); link_destroy(amqp_management->receiver_link); } else { free(receiver_link_name); free(sender_link_name); amqpvalue_destroy(target); amqpvalue_destroy(source); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_106: [ The message Id set on the message properties shall start at 0. ]*/ amqp_management->next_message_id = 0; goto all_ok; } messagesender_destroy(amqp_management->message_sender); } link_destroy(amqp_management->receiver_link); } link_destroy(amqp_management->sender_link); } free(receiver_link_name); } free(sender_link_name); } amqpvalue_destroy(target); } amqpvalue_destroy(source); } free(amqp_management->status_description_key_name); } free(amqp_management->status_code_key_name); } singlylinkedlist_destroy(amqp_management->pending_operations); } free(amqp_management); amqp_management = NULL; } } all_ok: /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_056: [ On success it shall return an ASYNC_OPERATION_HANDLE. ] */ return amqp_management; } void amqp_management_destroy(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management) { if (amqp_management == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_025: [ If `amqp_management` is NULL, `amqp_management_destroy` shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL amqp_management"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_024: [ `amqp_management_destroy` shall free all the resources allocated by `amqp_management_create`. ]*/ if (amqp_management->amqp_management_state != AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE) { (void)amqp_management_close(amqp_management); } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_028: [ `amqp_management_destroy` shall free the message sender by calling `messagesender_destroy`. ]*/ messagesender_destroy(amqp_management->message_sender); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_029: [ `amqp_management_destroy` shall free the message receiver by calling `messagereceiver_destroy`. ]*/ messagereceiver_destroy(amqp_management->message_receiver); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_027: [ `amqp_management_destroy` shall free the sender and receiver links by calling `link_destroy`. ]*/ link_destroy(amqp_management->sender_link); link_destroy(amqp_management->receiver_link); free(amqp_management->status_code_key_name); free(amqp_management->status_description_key_name); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_026: [ `amqp_management_destroy` shall free the singly linked list by calling `singlylinkedlist_destroy`. ]*/ singlylinkedlist_destroy(amqp_management->pending_operations); free(amqp_management); } } int amqp_management_open_async(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management, ON_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_COMPLETE on_amqp_management_open_complete, void* on_amqp_management_open_complete_context, ON_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_ERROR on_amqp_management_error, void* on_amqp_management_error_context) { int result; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_044: [ `on_amqp_management_open_complete_context` and `on_amqp_management_error_context` shall be allowed to be NULL. ]*/ if ((amqp_management == NULL) || (on_amqp_management_open_complete == NULL) || (on_amqp_management_error == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_038: [ If `amqp_management`, `on_amqp_management_open_complete` or `on_amqp_management_error` is NULL, `amqp_management_open_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Bad arguments: amqp_management = %p, on_amqp_management_open_complete = %p, on_amqp_management_error = %p", amqp_management, on_amqp_management_open_complete, on_amqp_management_error); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (amqp_management->amqp_management_state != AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_043: [ If the AMQP management instance is already OPEN or OPENING, `amqp_management_open_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("AMQP management instance already OPEN"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_036: [ `amqp_management_open_async` shall start opening the AMQP management instance and save the callbacks so that they can be called when opening is complete. ]*/ amqp_management->on_amqp_management_open_complete = on_amqp_management_open_complete; amqp_management->on_amqp_management_open_complete_context = on_amqp_management_open_complete_context; amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error = on_amqp_management_error; amqp_management->on_amqp_management_error_context = on_amqp_management_error_context; amqp_management->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPENING; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_040: [ `amqp_management_open_async` shall open the message receiver by calling `messagereceiver_open`. ]*/ if (messagereceiver_open(amqp_management->message_receiver, on_message_received, amqp_management) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_042: [ If `messagereceiver_open` fails, `amqp_management_open_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Failed opening message receiver"); amqp_management->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_039: [ `amqp_management_open_async` shall open the message sender by calling `messagesender_open`. ]*/ if (messagesender_open(amqp_management->message_sender) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_041: [ If `messagesender_open` fails, `amqp_management_open_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Failed opening message sender"); amqp_management->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE; (void)messagereceiver_close(amqp_management->message_receiver); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_037: [ On success it shall return 0. ]*/ result = 0; } } } return result; } int amqp_management_close(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management) { int result; if (amqp_management == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_047: [ If `amqp_management` is NULL, `amqp_management_close` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("NULL amqp_management"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (amqp_management->amqp_management_state == AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_049: [ `amqp_management_close` on an AMQP management instance that is not OPEN, shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("AMQP management instance not open"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE previous_state = amqp_management->amqp_management_state; amqp_management->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_CLOSING; if (previous_state == AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_OPENING) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_048: [ `amqp_management_close` on an AMQP management instance that is OPENING shall trigger the `on_amqp_management_open_complete` callback with `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_CANCELLED`, while also passing the context passed in `amqp_management_open_async`. ]*/ amqp_management->on_amqp_management_open_complete(amqp_management->on_amqp_management_open_complete_context, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_OPEN_CANCELLED); } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_045: [ `amqp_management_close` shall close the AMQP management instance. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_050: [ `amqp_management_close` shall close the message sender by calling `messagesender_close`. ]*/ if (messagesender_close(amqp_management->message_sender) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_052: [ If `messagesender_close` fails, `amqp_management_close` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("messagesender_close failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_051: [ `amqp_management_close` shall close the message receiver by calling `messagereceiver_close`. ]*/ else if (messagereceiver_close(amqp_management->message_receiver) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_053: [ If `messagereceiver_close` fails, `amqp_management_close` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("messagereceiver_close failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { LIST_ITEM_HANDLE list_item_handle = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(amqp_management->pending_operations); while (list_item_handle != NULL) { OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE* operation_message = (OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE*)singlylinkedlist_item_get_value(list_item_handle); if (operation_message == NULL) { LogError("Cannot obtain pending operation"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_054: [ All pending operations shall be indicated complete with the code `AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_INSTANCE_CLOSED`. ]*/ if (operation_message->on_execute_operation_complete != NULL) { // Check for NULL in case operation has been cancelled. operation_message->on_execute_operation_complete(operation_message->callback_context, AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_INSTANCE_CLOSED, 0, NULL, NULL); } async_operation_destroy(operation_message->execute_async_operation); } if (singlylinkedlist_remove(amqp_management->pending_operations, list_item_handle) != 0) { LogError("Cannot remove item"); } list_item_handle = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(amqp_management->pending_operations); } amqp_management->amqp_management_state = AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_046: [ On success it shall return 0. ]*/ result = 0; } } return result; } static bool remove_pending_amqp_management_operation(const void* item, const void* match_context, bool* continue_processing) { bool result; if (item == match_context) { async_operation_destroy(((OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE*)match_context)->execute_async_operation); result = true; *continue_processing = false; } else { result = false; *continue_processing = true; } return result; } // Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_09_004: [ The `ASYNC_OPERATION_HANDLE` cancel function shall cancel the underlying send async operation, remove this operation from the pending list, destroy this async operation. ] static void amqp_management_execute_cancel_handler(ASYNC_OPERATION_HANDLE execute_operation) { OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE* instance = GET_ASYNC_OPERATION_CONTEXT(OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE, execute_operation); if (instance->send_async_context != NULL) { if (async_operation_cancel(instance->send_async_context) != 0) { LogError("Failed cancelling async send operation."); } } if (singlylinkedlist_remove_if(instance->amqp_management->pending_operations, remove_pending_amqp_management_operation, instance) != 0) { LogError("Failed removing OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE from pending list"); } } ASYNC_OPERATION_HANDLE amqp_management_execute_operation_async(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management, const char* operation, const char* type, const char* locales, MESSAGE_HANDLE message, ON_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_EXECUTE_OPERATION_COMPLETE on_execute_operation_complete, void* on_execute_operation_complete_context) { ASYNC_OPERATION_HANDLE result; if ((amqp_management == NULL) || (operation == NULL) || (type == NULL) || (on_execute_operation_complete == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_057: [ If `amqp_management`, `operation`, `type` or `on_execute_operation_complete` is NULL, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Bad arguments: amqp_management = %p, operation = %p, type = %p", amqp_management, operation, type); result = NULL; } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_081: [ If `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` is called when not OPEN, it shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ else if ((amqp_management->amqp_management_state == AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_IDLE) || /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_104: [ If `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` is called when the AMQP management is in error, it shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ (amqp_management->amqp_management_state == AMQP_MANAGEMENT_STATE_ERROR)) { LogError("amqp_management_execute_operation_async called while not open or in error"); result = NULL; } else { AMQP_VALUE application_properties; MESSAGE_HANDLE cloned_message; if (message == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_102: [ If `message` is NULL, a new message shall be created by calling `message_create`. ]*/ cloned_message = message_create(); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_103: [ Otherwise the existing message shall be cloned by using `message_clone` before being modified accordingly and used for the pending operation. ]*/ cloned_message = message_clone(message); if (cloned_message == NULL) { LogError("Could not clone message"); } } if (cloned_message == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_055: [ `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall start an AMQP management operation. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_082: [ `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall obtain the application properties from the message by calling `message_get_application_properties`. ]*/ if (message_get_application_properties(cloned_message, &application_properties) != 0) { LogError("Could not get application properties"); result = NULL; } else { if (application_properties == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_083: [ If no application properties were set on the message, a new application properties instance shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_map`; ]*/ application_properties = amqpvalue_create_map(); if (application_properties == NULL) { LogError("Could not create application properties"); } } if (application_properties == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_084: [ For each of the arguments `operation`, `type` and `locales` an AMQP value of type string shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_string` in order to be used as key in the application properties map. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_085: [ For each of the arguments `operation`, `type` and `locales` an AMQP value of type string containing the argument value shall be created by calling `amqpvalue_create_string` in order to be used as value in the application properties map. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_058: [ Request messages have the following application-properties: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_059: [ operation string Yes The management operation to be performed. ] */ if ((add_string_key_value_pair_to_map(application_properties, "operation", operation) != 0) || /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_061: [ type string Yes The Manageable Entity Type of the Manageable Entity to be managed. ]*/ (add_string_key_value_pair_to_map(application_properties, "type", type) != 0) || /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_093: [ If `locales` is NULL, no key/value pair shall be added for it in the application properties map. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_063: [ locales string No A list of locales that the sending peer permits for incoming informational text in response messages. ]*/ ((locales != NULL) && (add_string_key_value_pair_to_map(application_properties, "locales", locales) != 0))) { result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_087: [ The application properties obtained after adding the key/value pairs shall be set on the message by calling `message_set_application_properties`. ]*/ if (message_set_application_properties(cloned_message, application_properties) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_090: [ If any APIs used to create and set the application properties on the message fails, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Could not set application properties"); result = NULL; } else if (set_message_id(cloned_message, amqp_management->next_message_id) != 0) { result = NULL; } else { result = CREATE_ASYNC_OPERATION(OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE, amqp_management_execute_cancel_handler); if (result == NULL) { LogError("Failed allocating async result"); } else { OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE* pending_operation_message = GET_ASYNC_OPERATION_CONTEXT(OPERATION_MESSAGE_INSTANCE, result); LIST_ITEM_HANDLE added_item; pending_operation_message->callback_context = on_execute_operation_complete_context; pending_operation_message->on_execute_operation_complete = on_execute_operation_complete; pending_operation_message->message_id = amqp_management->next_message_id; pending_operation_message->amqp_management = amqp_management; pending_operation_message->message_send_confirmed = false; pending_operation_message->execute_async_operation = result; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_091: [ Once the request message has been sent, an entry shall be stored in the pending operations list by calling `singlylinkedlist_add`. ]*/ added_item = singlylinkedlist_add(amqp_management->pending_operations, pending_operation_message); if (added_item == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_092: [ If `singlylinkedlist_add` fails then `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Could not add the operation to the pending operations list."); async_operation_destroy(result); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_088: [ `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall send the message by calling `messagesender_send_async`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_166: [ The `on_message_send_complete` callback shall be passed to the `messagesender_send_async` call. ]*/ pending_operation_message->send_async_context = messagesender_send_async(amqp_management->message_sender, cloned_message, on_message_send_complete, added_item, 0); if (pending_operation_message->send_async_context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_089: [ If `messagesender_send_async` fails, `amqp_management_execute_operation_async` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Could not send request message"); (void)singlylinkedlist_remove(amqp_management->pending_operations, added_item); async_operation_destroy(result); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_107: [ The message Id set on the message properties shall be incremented with each operation. ]*/ amqp_management->next_message_id++; } } } } } /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_101: [ After setting the application properties, the application properties instance shall be freed by `amqpvalue_destroy`. ]*/ amqpvalue_destroy(application_properties); } } message_destroy(cloned_message); } } return result; } void amqp_management_set_trace(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management, bool trace_on) { if (amqp_management == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_163: [ If `amqp_management` is NULL, `amqp_management_set_trace` shal do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL amqp_management"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_161: [ `amqp_management_set_trace` shall call `messagesender_set_trace` to enable/disable tracing on the message sender. ]*/ messagesender_set_trace(amqp_management->message_sender, trace_on); /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_162: [ `amqp_management_set_trace` shall call `messagereceiver_set_trace` to enable/disable tracing on the message receiver. ]*/ messagereceiver_set_trace(amqp_management->message_receiver, trace_on); } } int amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management, const char* override_status_code_key_name) { int result; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_171: [ If `amqp_management` is NULL, `amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ if ((amqp_management == NULL) || /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_172: [ If `override_status_code_key_name` is NULL, `amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ (override_status_code_key_name == NULL)) { LogError("Bad arguments: amqp_management = %p, override_status_code_key_name = %s", amqp_management, MU_P_OR_NULL(override_status_code_key_name)); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_167: [ `amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name` shall set the status code key name used to parse the status code from the reply messages to `override_status_code_key_name`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_168: [ `amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name` shall copy the `override_status_code_key_name` string. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_169: [ `amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name` shall free any string previously used for the status code key name. ]*/ if (internal_set_status_code_key_name(amqp_management, override_status_code_key_name) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_173: [ If any error occurs in copying the `override_status_code_key_name` string, `amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Cannot set status code key name"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_170: [ On success, `amqp_management_set_override_status_code_key_name` shall return 0. ]*/ result = 0; } } return result; } int amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name(AMQP_MANAGEMENT_HANDLE amqp_management, const char* override_status_description_key_name) { int result; /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_178: [ If `amqp_management` is NULL, `amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ if ((amqp_management == NULL) || /* Tests_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_179: [ If `override_status_description_key_name` is NULL, `amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ (override_status_description_key_name == NULL)) { LogError("Bad arguments: amqp_management = %p, override_status_description_key_name = %s", amqp_management, MU_P_OR_NULL(override_status_description_key_name)); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_174: [ `amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name` shall set the status description key name used to parse the status description from the reply messages to `over ride_status_description_key_name`.]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_175: [ `amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name` shall copy the `override_status_description_key_name` string. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_176: [ `amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name` shall free any string previously used for the status description key name. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_177: [ On success, `amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name` shall return 0. ]*/ if (internal_set_status_description_key_name(amqp_management, override_status_description_key_name) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_AMQP_MANAGEMENT_01_180: [ If any error occurs in copying the `override_status_description_key_name` string, `amqp_management_set_override_status_description_key_name` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Cannot set status description key name"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } return result; }