// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include #include "azure_macro_utils/macro_utils.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/singlylinkedlist.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/header_detect_io.h" #include "azure_uamqp_c/server_protocol_io.h" static const unsigned char amqp_header_bytes[] = { 'A', 'M', 'Q', 'P', 0, 1, 0, 0 }; static const unsigned char sasl_amqp_header_bytes[] = { 'A', 'M', 'Q', 'P', 3, 1, 0, 0 }; typedef enum IO_STATE_TAG { IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN, IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO, IO_STATE_WAIT_FOR_HEADER, IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO, IO_STATE_OPEN, IO_STATE_CLOSING, IO_STATE_ERROR } IO_STATE; typedef struct INTERNAL_HEADER_DETECT_ENTRY_TAG { unsigned char* header_bytes; size_t header_size; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* io_interface_description; } INTERNAL_HEADER_DETECT_ENTRY; typedef struct CHAINED_IO_TAG { XIO_HANDLE detected_io; ON_BYTES_RECEIVED on_bytes_received; void* on_bytes_received_context; } CHAINED_IO; typedef struct HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE_TAG { XIO_HANDLE underlying_io; IO_STATE io_state; size_t header_pos; ON_IO_OPEN_COMPLETE on_io_open_complete; ON_IO_CLOSE_COMPLETE on_io_close_complete; ON_IO_ERROR on_io_error; ON_BYTES_RECEIVED on_bytes_received; void* on_io_open_complete_context; void* on_io_close_complete_context; void* on_io_error_context; void* on_bytes_received_context; INTERNAL_HEADER_DETECT_ENTRY* header_detect_entries; size_t header_detect_entry_count; SINGLYLINKEDLIST_HANDLE chained_io_list; XIO_HANDLE* last_io; } HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE; static void destroy_io_chain(HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io) { LIST_ITEM_HANDLE list_item = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(header_detect_io->chained_io_list); while (list_item != NULL) { CHAINED_IO* chained_io = (CHAINED_IO*)singlylinkedlist_item_get_value(list_item); if (singlylinkedlist_remove(header_detect_io->chained_io_list, list_item) != 0) { LogError("Cannot remove detected IO from list"); } if (chained_io != NULL) { xio_destroy(chained_io->detected_io); free(chained_io); } list_item = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(header_detect_io->chained_io_list); } header_detect_io->last_io = &header_detect_io->underlying_io; } static void internal_close(HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io) { // close the last underlying IO (the one that we're talking to) if (xio_close(*header_detect_io->last_io, NULL, NULL) != 0) { LogError("Cannot close underlying IO"); } destroy_io_chain(header_detect_io); header_detect_io->io_state = IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; } static void on_underlying_io_open_complete(void* context, IO_OPEN_RESULT open_result); static void on_underlying_io_bytes_received(void* context, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t size); static void on_underlying_io_error(void* context); static void indicate_error(HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance) { if (header_detect_io_instance->on_io_error != NULL) { header_detect_io_instance->on_io_error(header_detect_io_instance->on_io_error_context); } } static void indicate_open_complete(HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_RESULT open_result) { if (header_detect_io_instance->on_io_open_complete != NULL) { header_detect_io_instance->on_io_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance->on_io_open_complete_context, open_result); } } static void indicate_close_complete(HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance) { if (header_detect_io_instance->on_io_close_complete != NULL) { header_detect_io_instance->on_io_close_complete(header_detect_io_instance->on_io_close_complete_context); } } static void on_send_complete(void* context, IO_SEND_RESULT send_result) { // able to send the header HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)context; if (send_result != IO_SEND_OK) { // signal error indicate_error(header_detect_io_instance); } } // This callback usage needs to be either verified and commented or integrated into // the state machine. static void unchecked_on_send_complete(void* context, IO_SEND_RESULT send_result) { (void)context; (void)send_result; } static void on_underlying_io_bytes_received(void* context, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t size) { if (context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_050: [ If `context` is NULL, `on_underlying_io_bytes_received` shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL context"); } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)context; if ((buffer == NULL) || (size == 0)) { switch (header_detect_io_instance->io_state) { default: break; case IO_STATE_OPEN: /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_051: [ If `buffer` is NULL or `size` is 0 while the IO is OPEN an error shall be indicated by calling `on_io_error`. ]*/ indicate_error(header_detect_io_instance); break; } } else { while (size > 0) { switch (header_detect_io_instance->io_state) { default: break; case IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO: /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_049: [ When `on_underlying_io_bytes_received` is called while opening the underlying IO (before the underlying open complete is received), an error shall be indicated by calling `on_io_open_complete` with `IO_OPEN_ERROR`. ]*/ indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); size = 0; break; case IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO: { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_087: [ If `on_underlying_io_bytes_received` is called while waiting for the detected IO to complete its open, the bytes shall be given to the last created IO by calling its `on_bytes_received` callback that was filled into the `on_bytes_received` member of `SERVER_PROTOCOL_IO_CONFIG`. ]*/ CHAINED_IO* chained_io = (CHAINED_IO*)(((unsigned char*)header_detect_io_instance->last_io) - offsetof(CHAINED_IO, detected_io)); (chained_io->on_bytes_received)(chained_io->on_bytes_received_context, buffer, size); size = 0; break; } case IO_STATE_WAIT_FOR_HEADER: { size_t i; bool has_one_match = false; /* check if any of the headers matches */ for (i = 0; i < header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entry_count; i++) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_067: [ When `on_underlying_io_bytes_received` is called while waiting for header bytes (after the underlying IO was open), the bytes shall be matched against the entries provided in the configuration passed to `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_068: [ Header bytes shall be accepted in multiple `on_underlying_io_bytes_received` calls. ]*/ if ((header_detect_io_instance->header_pos < header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].header_size) && (header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes[header_detect_io_instance->header_pos] == buffer[0])) { has_one_match = true; if (header_detect_io_instance->header_pos + 1 == header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].header_size) { /* recognized one header */ if (xio_send(*header_detect_io_instance->last_io, header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes, header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].header_size, on_send_complete, header_detect_io_instance) != 0) { LogError("Failed sending header"); header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); } else { // wait for send complete and then start the detected IO open if (header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].io_interface_description == NULL) { header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_OPEN; indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_OK); } else { SERVER_PROTOCOL_IO_CONFIG server_protocol_io_config; CHAINED_IO* chained_io = (CHAINED_IO*)malloc(sizeof(CHAINED_IO)); if (chained_io == NULL) { LogError("Cannot allocate memory for chained IO"); internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_076: [ If no detected IO was created then the underlying IO in the `SERVER_PROTOCOL_IO_CONFIG` structure shall be set to the `underlying_io` passed in the create arguments. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_075: [ The underlying IO in the `SERVER_PROTOCOL_IO_CONFIG` structure shall be set to the last detected IO that was created if any. ]*/ server_protocol_io_config.underlying_io = *header_detect_io_instance->last_io; server_protocol_io_config.on_bytes_received = &chained_io->on_bytes_received; server_protocol_io_config.on_bytes_received_context = &chained_io->on_bytes_received_context; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_069: [ If a header match was detected on an entry with a non-NULL io handle, a new IO associated shall be created by calling `xio_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_073: [ The interface description passed to `xio_create` shall be the interface description associated with the detected header. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_074: [ The IO create parameters shall be a `SERVER_PROTOCOL_IO_CONFIG` structure. ]*/ chained_io->detected_io = xio_create(header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].io_interface_description, &server_protocol_io_config); if (chained_io->detected_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_077: [ If `xio_create` fails the header detect IO shall be closed and an error shall be indicated by calling `on_io_open_complete` with `IO_OPEN_ERROR`. ]*/ LogError("Creating detected IO failed"); free(chained_io); internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_086: [ The newly created IO shall be added to the chain of IOs by calling `singlylinkedlist_add`. ]*/ LIST_ITEM_HANDLE new_list_item = singlylinkedlist_add(header_detect_io_instance->chained_io_list, chained_io); if (new_list_item == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_084: [ If `singlylinkedlist_add` fails the newly created IO shall be destroyed and an error shall be indicated by calling `on_io_open_complete` with `IO_OPEN_ERROR`. ]*/ LogError("Cannot add detected IO to list"); xio_destroy(chained_io->detected_io); free(chained_io); internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_063: [ `header_detect_io_close_async` shall close the last detected IO that was created as a result of matching a header. ]*/ XIO_HANDLE* previous_last_io = header_detect_io_instance->last_io; header_detect_io_instance->last_io = &chained_io->detected_io; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_083: [ The header detect IO shall wait for opening of the detected IO (signaled by the `on_underlying_io_open_complete`). ]*/ header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_078: [ The newly create IO shall be open by calling `xio_open`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_079: [ The `on_io_open_complete` callback passed to `xio_open` shall be `on_underlying_io_open_complete`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_080: [ The `on_bytes_received` callback passed to `xio_open` shall be `on_underlying_io_bytes_received`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_081: [ The `on_io_error` callback passed to `xio_open` shall be `on_underlying_io_error`. ]*/ if (xio_open(chained_io->detected_io, on_underlying_io_open_complete, header_detect_io_instance, on_underlying_io_bytes_received, header_detect_io_instance, on_underlying_io_error, header_detect_io_instance) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_082: [ If `xio_open` fails the header detect IO shall be closed and an error shall be indicated by calling `on_io_open_complete` with `IO_OPEN_ERROR`. ]*/ LogError("Opening detected IO failed"); if (singlylinkedlist_remove(header_detect_io_instance->chained_io_list, new_list_item) != 0) { LogError("Cannot remove chained IO from list"); } xio_destroy(chained_io->detected_io); free(chained_io); header_detect_io_instance->last_io = previous_last_io; internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); } else { // all OK } } } } } } break; } } } if (has_one_match) { if (header_detect_io_instance->io_state == IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO) { header_detect_io_instance->header_pos = 0; } else { header_detect_io_instance->header_pos++; } size--; buffer++; } else { /* all header matches failed, we can't proceed, send back to the peer the first header we know of, */ /* then close as per spec. We do not care if we fail sending */ if (xio_send(header_detect_io_instance->underlying_io, header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[0].header_bytes, header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[0].header_size, unchecked_on_send_complete, NULL) != 0) { LogError("Failed sending header"); } internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); size = 0; } break; } case IO_STATE_OPEN: /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_089: [ If `on_underlying_io_bytes_received` is called while header detect IO is OPEN the bytes shall be given to the user via the `on_bytes_received` callback that was the `on_bytes_received` callback passed to `header_detect_io_open_async`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_090: [ If no detected IOs were created and `on_underlying_io_bytes_received` is called while header detect IO is OPEN, the `on_bytes_received` callback passed to `header_detect_io_open_async` shall be called to indicate the bytes as received. ]*/ header_detect_io_instance->on_bytes_received(header_detect_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context, buffer, size); size = 0; break; } } } } } static void on_underlying_io_close_complete(void* context) { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)context; switch (header_detect_io_instance->io_state) { default: break; case IO_STATE_CLOSING: /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_095: [ When `on_underlying_io_open_complete` is called when the IO is closing, it shall destroy all the detected IOs that were created. ]*/ destroy_io_chain(header_detect_io_instance); header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; indicate_close_complete(header_detect_io_instance); break; case IO_STATE_WAIT_FOR_HEADER: case IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO: case IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO: header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); break; } } static void on_underlying_io_open_complete(void* context, IO_OPEN_RESULT open_result) { if (context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_048: [ If `context` is NULL, `on_underlying_io_open_complete` shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL context"); } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)context; if (open_result == IO_OPEN_OK) { switch (header_detect_io_instance->io_state) { default: LogError("on_io_open_complete called in unexpected state: %d", (int)header_detect_io_instance->io_state); break; case IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO: case IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO: /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_046: [ When `on_underlying_io_open_complete` is called with `open_result` being `IO_OPEN_OK` while OPENING, the IO shall start monitoring received bytes in order to detect headers. ]*/ header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_WAIT_FOR_HEADER; break; } } else { switch (header_detect_io_instance->io_state) { default: LogError("on_io_open_complete called in unexpected state: %d", (int)header_detect_io_instance->io_state); break; case IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO: case IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO: /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_047: [ When `on_underlying_io_open_complete` is called with `open_result` being `IO_OPEN_ERROR` while OPENING, the `on_io_open_complete` callback passed to `header_detect_io_open` shall be called with `IO_OPEN_ERROR`. ]*/ internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); break; } } } } static void on_underlying_io_error(void* context) { if (context == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_058: [ If `context` is NULL, `on_underlying_io_error` shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL context"); } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)context; switch (header_detect_io_instance->io_state) { default: break; case IO_STATE_WAIT_FOR_HEADER: case IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO: case IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO: /* Tests_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_057: [ When `on_underlying_io_error` is called while OPENING, the IO shall indicate an error by calling `on_io_open_complete` with `IO_OPEN_ERROR` and it shall close the underlying IOs. ]*/ internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); indicate_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance, IO_OPEN_ERROR); break; case IO_STATE_OPEN: /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_059: [ When `on_underlying_io_error` is called while OPEN, the error should be indicated to the consumer by calling `on_io_error` and passing the `on_io_error_context` to it. ]*/ header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_ERROR; indicate_error(header_detect_io_instance); break; } } } static CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io_create(void* io_create_parameters) { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* result; if (io_create_parameters == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_003: [ If `io_create_parameters` is NULL, `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("NULL io_create_parameters"); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_004: [ `io_create_parameters` shall be used as `HEADER_DETECT_IO_CONFIG*`. ]*/ HEADER_DETECT_IO_CONFIG* header_detect_io_config = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_CONFIG*)io_create_parameters; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_005: [ If the member `header_detect_entry_count` of `HEADER_DETECT_IO_CONFIG` is 0 then `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if ((header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count == 0) || /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_006: [ If the member `header_detect_entries` is NULL then `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ (header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entries == NULL) || /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_007: [ If the member `underlying_io` is NULL then `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ (header_detect_io_config->underlying_io == NULL)) { LogError("Bad create parameters: header_detect_entry_count = %lu, header_detect_entries = %p, underlying_io = %p", (unsigned long)header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count, header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entries, header_detect_io_config->underlying_io); result = NULL; } else { size_t i; bool null_io_found = false; for (i = 0; i < header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count; i++) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_052: [ The `io` member in the in each of the `header_detect_entries` shall be allowed to be NULL. ]*/ if (header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entries[i].header.header_bytes == NULL) { LogError("header detect entry %u is invalid", (unsigned int)i); break; } if (header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entries[i].io_interface_description == NULL) { null_io_found = true; } } if (i < header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count) { result = NULL; } else if (!null_io_found) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_054: [ At least one entry in `header_detect_entries` shall have IO set to NULL, otherwise `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("No default header found"); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_001: [ `header_detect_io_create` shall create a new header detect IO instance and on success it shall return a non-NULL handle to the newly created instance. ] */ result = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)calloc(1, sizeof(HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE)); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_002: [ If allocating memory for the header detect IO instance fails, `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Cannot allocate memory for header detect IO"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_009: [ The `header_detect_entries` array shall be copied so that it can be later used when detecting which header was received. ]*/ result->header_detect_entries = (INTERNAL_HEADER_DETECT_ENTRY*)calloc(1, (header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count * sizeof(INTERNAL_HEADER_DETECT_ENTRY))); if (result->header_detect_entries == NULL) { free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->header_detect_entry_count = header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_009: [ The `header_detect_entries` array shall be copied so that it can be later used when detecting which header was received. ]*/ for (i = 0; i < header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count; i++) { result->header_detect_entries[i].header_size = header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entries[i].header.header_size; result->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes = (unsigned char*)malloc(result->header_detect_entries[i].header_size); if (result->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_010: [ If allocating memory for the `header_detect_entries` or its constituents fails then `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ break; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_014: [ For each entry in `header_detect_entries` the `header` field shall also be copied. ]*/ (void)memcpy(result->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes, header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entries[i].header.header_bytes, result->header_detect_entries[i].header_size); result->header_detect_entries[i].io_interface_description = header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entries[i].io_interface_description; } } if (i < header_detect_io_config->header_detect_entry_count) { size_t j; LogError("Failed copying header detect configuration"); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { free(result->header_detect_entries[j].header_bytes); } free(result->header_detect_entries); free(result); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_060: [ `header_detect_io_create` shall create a singly linked list by calling `singlylinkedlist_create` where the chained detected IOs shall be stored. ]*/ result->chained_io_list = singlylinkedlist_create(); if (result->chained_io_list == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_065: [ If `singlylinkedlist_create` fails then `header_detect_io_create` shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed copying header detect configuration"); for (i = 0; i < result->header_detect_entry_count; i++) { free(result->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes); result->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes = NULL; } free(result->header_detect_entries); free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->underlying_io = header_detect_io_config->underlying_io; result->on_io_open_complete = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete = NULL; result->on_io_error = NULL; result->on_bytes_received = NULL; result->on_io_open_complete_context = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete_context = NULL; result->on_io_error_context = NULL; result->on_bytes_received_context = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_070: [ If no detected IO was created then `header_detect_io_close_async` shall close the `underlying_io` passed in `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ result->last_io = &result->underlying_io; result->io_state = IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; } } } } } } } return result; } static void header_detect_io_destroy(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io) { if (header_detect_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_012: [ If `header_detect_io` is NULL, `header_detect_io_destroy` shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL header_detect_io"); } else { size_t i; HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)header_detect_io; if (header_detect_io_instance->io_state != IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_062: [ If the IO is still open when `header_detect_io_destroy` is called, all actions normally executed when closing the IO shall also be executed. ]*/ internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); } /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_061: [ `header_detect_io_destroy` shall destroy the chained IO list by calling `singlylinkedlist_destroy`. ]*/ singlylinkedlist_destroy(header_detect_io_instance->chained_io_list); /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_011: [ `header_detect_io_destroy` shall free all resources associated with the `header_detect_io` handle. ]*/ for (i = 0; i < header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entry_count; i++) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_013: [ `header_detect_io_destroy` shall free the memory allocated for the `header_detect_entries`. ]*/ free(header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes); header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries[i].header_bytes = NULL; } free(header_detect_io_instance->header_detect_entries); free(header_detect_io); } } static int header_detect_io_open_async(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io, ON_IO_OPEN_COMPLETE on_io_open_complete, void* on_io_open_complete_context, ON_BYTES_RECEIVED on_bytes_received, void* on_bytes_received_context, ON_IO_ERROR on_io_error, void* on_io_error_context) { int result; if ((header_detect_io == NULL) || (on_io_open_complete == NULL) || (on_bytes_received == NULL) || (on_io_error == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_021: [ If `header_detect_io`, `on_io_open_complete`, `on_bytes_received` or `on_io_error` is NULL, `header_detect_io_open_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Bad arguments: header_detect_io = %p, on_io_open_complete = %p, on_bytes_received = %p, on_io_error = %p", header_detect_io, on_io_open_complete, on_bytes_received, on_io_error); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)header_detect_io; if (header_detect_io_instance->io_state != IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_020: [ If the IO is already OPEN or OPENING then `header_detect_io_open_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Already OPEN"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { header_detect_io_instance->on_bytes_received = on_bytes_received; header_detect_io_instance->on_io_open_complete = on_io_open_complete; header_detect_io_instance->on_io_error = on_io_error; header_detect_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context = on_bytes_received_context; header_detect_io_instance->on_io_open_complete_context = on_io_open_complete_context; header_detect_io_instance->on_io_error_context = on_io_error_context; header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO; header_detect_io_instance->header_pos = 0; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_015: [ `header_detect_io_open_async` shall open the underlying IO by calling `xio_open` and passing to it: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_016: [ - `xio` shall be the `underlying_io` member of the `io_create_parameters` passed to `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_017: [ - `on_io_open_complete`, `on_io_open_complete_context`, `on_bytes_received`, `on_bytes_received_context`, `on_error` and `on_error_context` shall be set to implementation specific values of `header_detect_io`. ]*/ if (xio_open(header_detect_io_instance->underlying_io, on_underlying_io_open_complete, header_detect_io_instance, on_underlying_io_bytes_received, header_detect_io_instance, on_underlying_io_error, header_detect_io_instance) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_019: [ If `xio_open` fails, `header_detect_io_open_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("xio_open failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_018: [ On success `header_detect_io_open_async` shall return 0. ]*/ result = 0; } } } return result; } static int header_detect_io_close_async(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io, ON_IO_CLOSE_COMPLETE on_io_close_complete, void* callback_context) { int result; if (header_detect_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_026: [ If `header_detect_io` is NULL, `header_detect_io_close_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("NULL header_detect_io"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)header_detect_io; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_027: [ If the IO is not OPEN (open has not been called or close has been completely carried out) `header_detect_io_close_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ if ((header_detect_io_instance->io_state == IO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO) || (header_detect_io_instance->io_state == IO_STATE_OPENING_DETECTED_IO) || (header_detect_io_instance->io_state == IO_STATE_WAIT_FOR_HEADER)) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_028: [ If the IO is OPENING (`header_detect_io_open_async` has been called, but no header has been detected yet), `header_detect_io_close_async` shall close the underlying IO and call `on_io_open_complete` with `IO_OPEN_CANCELLED`. ]*/ (void)internal_close(header_detect_io_instance); header_detect_io_instance->on_io_open_complete(header_detect_io_instance->on_io_open_complete_context, IO_OPEN_CANCELLED); result = 0; } else if ((header_detect_io_instance->io_state == IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN) || /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_053: [ If the IO is CLOSING then `header_detect_io_close_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ (header_detect_io_instance->io_state == IO_STATE_CLOSING)) { LogError("Not open"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { header_detect_io_instance->io_state = IO_STATE_CLOSING; header_detect_io_instance->on_io_close_complete = on_io_close_complete; header_detect_io_instance->on_io_close_complete_context = callback_context; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_022: [ `header_detect_io_close_async` shall close the underlying IO by calling `xio_close` and passing to it: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_023: [ - `xio` shall be the `underlying_io` member of the `io_create_parameters` passed to `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_024: [ - `on_io_close_complete` shall be set to implementation specific values of `header_detect_io`. ]*/ if (xio_close(*header_detect_io_instance->last_io, on_underlying_io_close_complete, header_detect_io_instance) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_092: [ If `xio_close` fails `header_detect_io_close_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("xio_close failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_025: [ On success `header_detect_io_close_async` shall return 0. ]*/ result = 0; } } } return result; } static int header_detect_io_send_async(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io, const void* buffer, size_t size, ON_SEND_COMPLETE on_send_complete, void* callback_context) { int result; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_055: [ `on_send_complete` and `callback_context` shall be allowed to be NULL. ]*/ if ((header_detect_io == NULL) || (buffer == NULL) || /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_034: [ If `size` is 0, `header_detect_io_send_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ (size == 0)) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_033: [ If `header_detect_io` or `buffer` is NULL, `header_detect_io_send_async` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Bad arguments: header_detect_io = %p, buffer = %p, size = %u", header_detect_io, buffer, (unsigned int)size); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)header_detect_io; if (header_detect_io_instance->io_state != IO_STATE_OPEN) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_093: [ `header_detect_io_send_async` when the IO is not open shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("header_detect_io not OPEN"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_029: [ If no detected IO was created, `header_detect_io_send_async` shall send the bytes to the underlying IO passed via `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_030: [ The `buffer`, `size`, `on_send_complete` and `callback_context` shall be passed as is to `xio_send`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_071: [ If the header IO is open `header_detect_io_send_async` shall send the bytes to the last detected IO by calling `xio_send` that was created as result of matching a header. ]*/ if (xio_send(*header_detect_io_instance->last_io, buffer, size, on_send_complete, callback_context) != 0) { LogError("xio_send failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_031: [ On success `header_detect_io_send_async` shall return 0. ]*/ result = 0; } } } return result; } static void header_detect_io_dowork(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io) { if (header_detect_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_036: [ If `header_detect_io` is NULL, `header_detect_io_dowork` shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL header_detect_io"); } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)header_detect_io; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_037: [ No work shall be scheduled if `header_detect_io` is not OPEN or in ERROR (an error has been indicated to the user). ]*/ if ((header_detect_io_instance->io_state != IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN) && (header_detect_io_instance->io_state != IO_STATE_ERROR)) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_056: [ `header_detect_io_dowork` shall call `xio_dowork` for all detected IOs created as a result of matching headers. ]*/ LIST_ITEM_HANDLE list_item = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(header_detect_io_instance->chained_io_list); while (list_item != NULL) { CHAINED_IO* chained_io = (CHAINED_IO*)singlylinkedlist_item_get_value(list_item); if (chained_io != NULL) { xio_dowork(chained_io->detected_io); } list_item = singlylinkedlist_get_next_item(list_item); } /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_035: [ `header_detect_io_dowork` shall schedule work for the underlying IO associated with `header_detect_io` by calling `xio_dowork` and passing as argument the `underlying_io` member of the `io_create_parameters` passed to `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ xio_dowork(header_detect_io_instance->underlying_io); } } } static int header_detect_io_set_option(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io, const char* option_name, const void* value) { int result; if ((header_detect_io == NULL) || (option_name == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_044: [ If `header_detect_io` or `optionName` is NULL, `header_detect_io_set_option` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("NULL header_detect_io"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE* header_detect_io_instance = (HEADER_DETECT_IO_INSTANCE*)header_detect_io; /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_042: [ If no detected IO was created `header_detect_io_set_option` shall pass any option to the underlying IO by calling `xio_setoption` and passing as IO handle the `underlying_io` member of the `io_create_parameters` passed to `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_072: [ If any detected IO was created, `header_detect_io_set_option` shall pass any option to the last detected IO by calling `xio_setoption` and passing as IO handle the `underlying_io` member of the `io_create_parameters` passed to `header_detect_io_create`. ]*/ if (xio_setoption(*header_detect_io_instance->last_io, option_name, value) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_045: [ If `xio_setoption` fails, `header_detect_io_set_option` shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/ LogError("Setting the option on the underlying IO failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_043: [ On success, `header_detect_io_set_option` shall return 0. ]*/ result = 0; } } return result; } /*this function will clone an option given by name and value*/ static void* header_detect_io_clone_option(const char* name, const void* value) { (void)name; (void)value; return NULL; } /*this function destroys an option previously created*/ static void header_detect_io_destroy_option(const char* name, const void* value) { (void)name; (void)value; } static OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE header_detect_io_retrieve_options(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE header_detect_io) { OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE result; if (header_detect_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_041: [ If `header_detect_io` is NULL, `header_detect_io_retrieve_options` shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("NULL header_detect_io"); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_038: [ `header_detect_io_retrieve_options` shall create a new `OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE` by calling `OptionHandler_Create` and on success it shall return a non-NULL handle to the newly created option handler. ]*/ result = OptionHandler_Create(header_detect_io_clone_option, header_detect_io_destroy_option, header_detect_io_set_option); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_040: [ If `OptionHandler_Create` fails, `header_detect_io_retrieve_options` shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("unable to OptionHandler_Create"); /*return as is*/ } else { /*insert here work to add the options to "result" handle*/ /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_039: [ No options shall be added to the newly created option handler. ]*/ } } return result; } static const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION header_detect_io_interface_description = { header_detect_io_retrieve_options, header_detect_io_create, header_detect_io_destroy, header_detect_io_open_async, header_detect_io_close_async, header_detect_io_send_async, header_detect_io_dowork, header_detect_io_set_option }; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* header_detect_io_get_interface_description(void) { return &header_detect_io_interface_description; } static const AMQP_HEADER amqp_header = { amqp_header_bytes, sizeof(amqp_header_bytes) }; static const AMQP_HEADER sasl_amqp_header = { sasl_amqp_header_bytes, sizeof(sasl_amqp_header_bytes) }; AMQP_HEADER header_detect_io_get_amqp_header(void) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_091: [ `header_detect_io_get_amqp_header` shall return a structure that should point to a buffer that contains the bytes { 'A', 'M', 'Q', 'P', 0, 1, 0, 0 }. ]*/ return amqp_header; } AMQP_HEADER header_detect_io_get_sasl_amqp_header(void) { /* Codes_SRS_HEADER_DETECT_IO_01_091: [ `header_detect_io_get_sasl_amqp_header` shall return a structure that should point to a buffer that contains the bytes { 'A', 'M', 'Q', 'P', 3, 1, 0, 0 }. ]*/ return sasl_amqp_header; }