if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) #Get compiler version. execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpversion OUTPUT_VARIABLE GNUCXX_VERSION ) #-Werror=* was introduced -after- GCC 4.1.2 if(GNUCXX_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.1.2) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror=strict-aliasing") endif() endif() include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) include(CheckTypeSize) include(CheckStructHasMember) include(CheckCXXSymbolExists) check_include_file_cxx(clocale HAVE_CLOCALE) check_cxx_symbol_exists(localeconv clocale HAVE_LOCALECONV) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.0.0) # The "LANGUAGE CXX" parameter is not supported in CMake versions below 3, # so the C compiler and header has to be used. check_include_file(locale.h HAVE_LOCALE_H) set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES locale.h) check_type_size("struct lconv" LCONV_SIZE) unset(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES) check_struct_has_member("struct lconv" decimal_point locale.h HAVE_DECIMAL_POINT) else() set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES clocale) check_type_size(lconv LCONV_SIZE LANGUAGE CXX) unset(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES) check_struct_has_member(lconv decimal_point clocale HAVE_DECIMAL_POINT LANGUAGE CXX) endif() if(NOT (HAVE_CLOCALE AND HAVE_LCONV_SIZE AND HAVE_DECIMAL_POINT AND HAVE_LOCALECONV)) message(WARNING "Locale functionality is not supported") if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.12.0) add_compile_definitions(JSONCPP_NO_LOCALE_SUPPORT) else() add_definitions(-DJSONCPP_NO_LOCALE_SUPPORT) endif() endif() set(JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR ../../include) set(PUBLIC_HEADERS ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/config.h ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/forwards.h ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/json_features.h ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/value.h ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/reader.h ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/version.h ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/writer.h ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/assertions.h ) source_group("Public API" FILES ${PUBLIC_HEADERS}) set(jsoncpp_sources json_tool.h json_reader.cpp json_valueiterator.inl json_value.cpp json_writer.cpp ) # Install instructions for this target if(JSONCPP_WITH_CMAKE_PACKAGE) set(INSTALL_EXPORT EXPORT jsoncpp) else() set(INSTALL_EXPORT) endif() if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.12.0) add_compile_definitions(JSON_DLL_BUILD) else() add_definitions(-DJSON_DLL_BUILD) endif() endif() add_library(jsoncpp_lib ${PUBLIC_HEADERS} ${jsoncpp_sources}) set_target_properties(jsoncpp_lib PROPERTIES VERSION ${JSONCPP_VERSION} SOVERSION ${JSONCPP_SOVERSION}) set_target_properties(jsoncpp_lib PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME jsoncpp DEBUG_OUTPUT_NAME jsoncpp${DEBUG_LIBNAME_SUFFIX}) set_target_properties(jsoncpp_lib PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # Set library's runtime search path on OSX if(APPLE) set_target_properties(jsoncpp_lib PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH "@loader_path/.") endif() # Specify compiler features required when compiling a given target. # See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.1/prop_gbl/CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES.html#prop_gbl:CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES # for complete list of features available target_compile_features(jsoncpp_lib PUBLIC cxx_std_11 # Compiler mode is aware of C++ 11. #MSVC 1900 cxx_alignas # Alignment control alignas, as defined in N2341. #MSVC 1900 cxx_alignof # Alignment control alignof, as defined in N2341. #MSVC 1900 cxx_attributes # Generic attributes, as defined in N2761. cxx_auto_type # Automatic type deduction, as defined in N1984. #MSVC 1900 cxx_constexpr # Constant expressions, as defined in N2235. cxx_decltype # Decltype, as defined in N2343. cxx_default_function_template_args # Default template arguments for function templates, as defined in DR226 cxx_defaulted_functions # Defaulted functions, as defined in N2346. #MSVC 1900 cxx_defaulted_move_initializers # Defaulted move initializers, as defined in N3053. cxx_delegating_constructors # Delegating constructors, as defined in N1986. #MSVC 1900 cxx_deleted_functions # Deleted functions, as defined in N2346. cxx_enum_forward_declarations # Enum forward declarations, as defined in N2764. cxx_explicit_conversions # Explicit conversion operators, as defined in N2437. cxx_extended_friend_declarations # Extended friend declarations, as defined in N1791. cxx_extern_templates # Extern templates, as defined in N1987. cxx_final # Override control final keyword, as defined in N2928, N3206 and N3272. #MSVC 1900 cxx_func_identifier # Predefined __func__ identifier, as defined in N2340. #MSVC 1900 cxx_generalized_initializers # Initializer lists, as defined in N2672. #MSVC 1900 cxx_inheriting_constructors # Inheriting constructors, as defined in N2540. #MSVC 1900 cxx_inline_namespaces # Inline namespaces, as defined in N2535. cxx_lambdas # Lambda functions, as defined in N2927. #MSVC 1900 cxx_local_type_template_args # Local and unnamed types as template arguments, as defined in N2657. cxx_long_long_type # long long type, as defined in N1811. #MSVC 1900 cxx_noexcept # Exception specifications, as defined in N3050. #MSVC 1900 cxx_nonstatic_member_init # Non-static data member initialization, as defined in N2756. cxx_nullptr # Null pointer, as defined in N2431. cxx_override # Override control override keyword, as defined in N2928, N3206 and N3272. cxx_range_for # Range-based for, as defined in N2930. cxx_raw_string_literals # Raw string literals, as defined in N2442. #MSVC 1900 cxx_reference_qualified_functions # Reference qualified functions, as defined in N2439. cxx_right_angle_brackets # Right angle bracket parsing, as defined in N1757. cxx_rvalue_references # R-value references, as defined in N2118. #MSVC 1900 cxx_sizeof_member # Size of non-static data members, as defined in N2253. cxx_static_assert # Static assert, as defined in N1720. cxx_strong_enums # Strongly typed enums, as defined in N2347. #MSVC 1900 cxx_thread_local # Thread-local variables, as defined in N2659. cxx_trailing_return_types # Automatic function return type, as defined in N2541. #MSVC 1900 cxx_unicode_literals # Unicode string literals, as defined in N2442. cxx_uniform_initialization # Uniform initialization, as defined in N2640. #MSVC 1900 cxx_unrestricted_unions # Unrestricted unions, as defined in N2544. #MSVC 1900 cxx_user_literals # User-defined literals, as defined in N2765. cxx_variadic_macros # Variadic macros, as defined in N1653. cxx_variadic_templates # Variadic templates, as defined in N2242. ) install(TARGETS jsoncpp_lib ${INSTALL_EXPORT} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ) if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.11) target_include_directories(jsoncpp_lib PUBLIC $ $ $ ) endif()