/** @file AML Helper. Copyright (c) 2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ /* Even though this file has access to the internal Node definition, i.e. AML_ROOT_NODE, AML_OBJECT_NODE, etc. Only the external node handle types should be used, i.e. AML_NODE_HANDLE, AML_ROOT_NODE_HANDLE, etc. Indeed, the functions in the "Api" folder should be implemented only using the "safe" functions available in the "Include" folder. This makes the functions available in the "Api" folder easy to export. */ #include #include #include #include /** Compare the NameString defined by the "Name ()" ASL function, and stored in the NameOpNode, with the input NameString. An ASL NameString is expected to be NULL terminated, and can be composed of NameSegs that have less that 4 chars, like "DEV". "DEV" will be expanded as "DEV_". An AML NameString is not NULL terminated and is only composed of 4 chars long NameSegs. @param [in] NameOpNode NameOp object node defining a variable. Must have an AML_NAME_OP/0 OpCode/SubOpCode. NameOp object nodes are defined in ASL using the "Name ()" function. @param [in] AslName ASL NameString to compare the NameOp's name with. Must be NULL terminated. @retval TRUE If the AslName and the AmlName defined by the NameOp node are similar. @retval FALSE Otherwise. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI AmlNameOpCompareName ( IN AML_OBJECT_NODE_HANDLE NameOpNode, IN CHAR8 *AslName ) { EFI_STATUS Status; AML_DATA_NODE_HANDLE NameDataNode; CHAR8 *AmlName; UINT32 AmlNameSize; BOOLEAN RetVal; if ((NameOpNode == NULL) || (AmlGetNodeType ((AML_NODE_HANDLE)NameOpNode) != EAmlNodeObject) || (!AmlNodeHasOpCode (NameOpNode, AML_NAME_OP, 0)) || (AslName == NULL)) { ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Get the NameOp name, being in a data node // which is the first fixed argument (i.e. index 0). NameDataNode = (AML_DATA_NODE_HANDLE)AmlGetFixedArgument ( NameOpNode, EAmlParseIndexTerm0 ); if ((NameDataNode == NULL) || (AmlGetNodeType ((AML_NODE_HANDLE)NameDataNode) != EAmlNodeData) || (!AmlNodeHasDataType (NameDataNode, EAmlNodeDataTypeNameString))) { ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Get the size of the name. Status = AmlGetDataNodeBuffer (NameDataNode, NULL, &AmlNameSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Allocate memory to fetch the name. AmlName = AllocateZeroPool (AmlNameSize); if (AmlName == NULL) { ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Fetch the name. Status = AmlGetDataNodeBuffer (NameDataNode, (UINT8 *)AmlName, &AmlNameSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (AmlName); ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Compare the input AslName and the AmlName stored in the NameOp node. RetVal = CompareAmlWithAslNameString (AmlName, AslName); // Free the string buffer. FreePool (AmlName); return RetVal; } /** Check whether ObjectNode has the input OpCode/SubOpcode couple. @param [in] ObjectNode Pointer to an object node. @param [in] OpCode OpCode to check @param [in] SubOpCode SubOpCode to check @retval TRUE The node is an object node and the Opcode and SubOpCode match. @retval FALSE Otherwise. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI AmlNodeHasOpCode ( IN AML_OBJECT_NODE_HANDLE ObjectNode, IN UINT8 OpCode, IN UINT8 SubOpCode ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 NodeOpCode; UINT8 NodeSubOpCode; // Get the Node information. Status = AmlGetObjectNodeInfo ( ObjectNode, &NodeOpCode, &NodeSubOpCode, NULL, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Check the OpCode and SubOpCode. if ((OpCode != NodeOpCode) || (SubOpCode != NodeSubOpCode)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** Check whether DataNode has the input DataType. @param [in] DataNode Pointer to a data node. @param [in] DataType DataType to check. @retval TRUE The node is a data node and the DataType match. @retval FALSE Otherwise. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI AmlNodeHasDataType ( IN AML_DATA_NODE_HANDLE DataNode, IN EAML_NODE_DATA_TYPE DataType ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EAML_NODE_DATA_TYPE NodeDataType; // Get the data type. Status = AmlGetNodeDataType (DataNode, &NodeDataType); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Check the data type. if (NodeDataType != DataType) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** Check whether RdNode has the input RdDataType. @param [in] RdNode Pointer to a data node. @param [in] RdDataType DataType to check. @retval TRUE The node is a Resource Data node and the RdDataType match. @retval FALSE Otherwise. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI AmlNodeHasRdDataType ( IN AML_DATA_NODE_HANDLE RdNode, IN AML_RD_HEADER RdDataType ) { EFI_STATUS Status; AML_RD_HEADER NodeRdDataType; // Get the resource data type. Status = AmlGetResourceDataType ( RdNode, &NodeRdDataType ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ASSERT (0); return FALSE; } // Check the RdDataType. return AmlRdCompareDescId (&NodeRdDataType, RdDataType); }