/*/@file Hardware info parsing functions. Binary data is expected as a consecutive series of header - object pairs. Complete library providing list-like interface to dynamically manipulate hardware info objects and parsing from a generic blob. Copyright 2021 - 2022 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include EFI_STATUS CreateHardwareInfoList ( IN UINT8 *Blob, IN UINTN BlobSize, IN HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE TypeFilter, OUT LIST_ENTRY *ListHead ) { UINT8 *Index; UINT8 *BlobEnd; HARDWARE_INFO *HwComponent; if ((Blob == NULL) || (BlobSize <= 0) || (ListHead == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Index = Blob; BlobEnd = Blob + BlobSize; while (Index < BlobEnd) { HwComponent = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (HARDWARE_INFO)); if (HwComponent == NULL) { goto FailedAllocate; } HwComponent->Header.Type.Uint64 = *((UINT64 *)Index); Index += sizeof (HwComponent->Header.Type); HwComponent->Header.Size = *((UINT64 *)(Index)); Index += sizeof (HwComponent->Header.Size); if ((HwComponent->Header.Size > MAX_UINTN) || (Index < Blob) || ((Index + HwComponent->Header.Size) > BlobEnd)) { goto FreeResources; } // // Check if optional TypeFilter is set, skip if the current // object is of a different type and release the partially // allocated object // if ((TypeFilter != HardwareInfoTypeUndefined) && (HwComponent->Header.Type.Value != TypeFilter)) { FreePool (HwComponent); Index += HwComponent->Header.Size; continue; } HwComponent->Data.Raw = AllocateZeroPool ((UINTN)HwComponent->Header.Size); if (HwComponent->Data.Raw == NULL) { goto FreeResources; } CopyMem (HwComponent->Data.Raw, Index, (UINTN)HwComponent->Header.Size); Index += HwComponent->Header.Size; InsertTailList (ListHead, &HwComponent->Link); } return EFI_SUCCESS; FreeResources: // // Clean the resources allocated in the incomplete cycle // FreePool (HwComponent); FailedAllocate: DEBUG (( EFI_D_ERROR, "%a: Failed to allocate memory for hardware info\n", __func__ )); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } VOID FreeHardwareInfoList ( IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *ListHead ) { LIST_ENTRY *CurrentLink; HARDWARE_INFO *HwComponent; if (IsListEmpty (ListHead)) { return; } CurrentLink = ListHead->ForwardLink; while (CurrentLink != NULL && CurrentLink != ListHead) { HwComponent = HARDWARE_INFO_FROM_LINK (CurrentLink); // // Remove item from list before invalidating the pointers // CurrentLink = RemoveEntryList (CurrentLink); FreePool (HwComponent->Data.Raw); FreePool (HwComponent); } } /** Validates if the specified Node has a valid data size and is of specified type. The data size can be less or equal to the provided type size to be regarded as valid and thus accessible with the typed pointer. For future compatibility the size is allowed to be smaller so that different versions interpret fields differently and, particularly, have smaller data structures. However, it cannot be larger than the type size to avoid accessing memory out of bounds. @param[in] Node Hardware Info node to be validated @param[in] TypeSize Size (in bytes) of the data type intended to be used to dereference the data. @retval TRUE Node is valid and can be accessed @retval FALSE Node is not valid /*/ STATIC BOOLEAN IsHardwareInfoNodeValidByType ( IN LIST_ENTRY *ListHead, IN LIST_ENTRY *Link, IN HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE Type, IN UINTN TypeSize ) { HARDWARE_INFO *HwComponent; if (IsNull (ListHead, Link)) { return FALSE; } HwComponent = HARDWARE_INFO_FROM_LINK (Link); // // Verify if the node type is the specified one and the size of // the data allocated to the node is greater than the size of // the type intended to dereference it in order to avoid access // to memory out of bondaries. // if ((HwComponent->Header.Type.Value == Type) && (HwComponent->Header.Size >= TypeSize)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } UINTN GetHardwareInfoCountByType ( IN LIST_ENTRY *ListHead, IN HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE Type, IN UINTN TypeSize ) { UINTN Count; LIST_ENTRY *Link; Count = 0; for (Link = GetFirstHardwareInfoByType (ListHead, Type, TypeSize); !IsNull (ListHead, Link); Link = GetNextHardwareInfoByType (ListHead, Link, Type, TypeSize)) { if (IsHardwareInfoNodeValidByType (ListHead, Link, Type, TypeSize)) { Count++; } } return Count; } LIST_ENTRY * GetFirstHardwareInfoByType ( IN LIST_ENTRY *ListHead, IN HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE Type, IN UINTN TypeSize ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; if (IsListEmpty (ListHead)) { return ListHead; } Link = GetFirstNode (ListHead); if (IsHardwareInfoNodeValidByType (ListHead, Link, Type, TypeSize)) { return Link; } return GetNextHardwareInfoByType (ListHead, Link, Type, TypeSize); } LIST_ENTRY * GetNextHardwareInfoByType ( IN LIST_ENTRY *ListHead, IN LIST_ENTRY *Node, IN HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE Type, IN UINTN TypeSize ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; Link = GetNextNode (ListHead, Node); while (!IsNull (ListHead, Link)) { if (IsHardwareInfoNodeValidByType (ListHead, Link, Type, TypeSize)) { // // Found a node of specified type and with valid size. Break and // return the found node. // break; } Link = GetNextNode (ListHead, Link); } return Link; } BOOLEAN EndOfHardwareInfoList ( IN LIST_ENTRY *ListHead, IN LIST_ENTRY *Node ) { return IsNull (ListHead, Node); }