/** @file Code for debug timer to support debug agent library implementation. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "DebugAgent.h" /** Initialize CPU local APIC timer. @param[out] TimerFrequency Local APIC timer frequency returned. @param[in] DumpFlag If TRUE, dump Local APIC timer's parameter. @return 32-bit Local APIC timer init count. **/ UINT32 InitializeDebugTimer ( OUT UINT32 *TimerFrequency, IN BOOLEAN DumpFlag ) { UINTN ApicTimerDivisor; UINT32 InitialCount; UINT32 ApicTimerFrequency; InitializeLocalApicSoftwareEnable (TRUE); GetApicTimerState (&ApicTimerDivisor, NULL, NULL); ApicTimerFrequency = PcdGet32 (PcdFSBClock) / (UINT32)ApicTimerDivisor; // // Cpu Local Apic timer interrupt frequency, it is set to 0.1s // InitialCount = (UINT32)DivU64x32 ( MultU64x64 ( ApicTimerFrequency, DEBUG_TIMER_INTERVAL ), 1000000u ); InitializeApicTimer (ApicTimerDivisor, InitialCount, TRUE, DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR); // // Disable Debug Timer interrupt to avoid it is delivered before Debug Port // is initialized // DisableApicTimerInterrupt (); if (DumpFlag) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Debug Timer: FSB Clock = %d\n", PcdGet32 (PcdFSBClock))); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Debug Timer: Divisor = %d\n", ApicTimerDivisor)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Debug Timer: Frequency = %d\n", ApicTimerFrequency)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Debug Timer: InitialCount = %d\n", InitialCount)); } if (TimerFrequency != NULL) { *TimerFrequency = ApicTimerFrequency; } return InitialCount; } /** Enable/Disable the interrupt of debug timer and return the interrupt state prior to the operation. If EnableStatus is TRUE, enable the interrupt of debug timer. If EnableStatus is FALSE, disable the interrupt of debug timer. @param[in] EnableStatus Enable/Disable. @retval TRUE Debug timer interrupt were enabled on entry to this call. @retval FALSE Debug timer interrupt were disabled on entry to this call. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI SaveAndSetDebugTimerInterrupt ( IN BOOLEAN EnableStatus ) { BOOLEAN OldDebugTimerInterruptState; OldDebugTimerInterruptState = GetApicTimerInterruptState (); if (OldDebugTimerInterruptState != EnableStatus) { if (EnableStatus) { EnableApicTimerInterrupt (); } else { DisableApicTimerInterrupt (); } // // Validate the Debug Timer interrupt state // This will make additional delay after Local Apic Timer interrupt state is changed. // Thus, CPU could handle the potential pending interrupt of Local Apic timer. // while (GetApicTimerInterruptState () != EnableStatus) { CpuPause (); } } return OldDebugTimerInterruptState; } /** Check if the timer is time out. @param[in] TimerCycle Timer initial count. @param[in] Timer The start timer from the begin. @param[in] TimeoutTicker Ticker number need time out. @return TRUE Timer time out occurs. @retval FALSE Timer does not time out. **/ BOOLEAN IsDebugTimerTimeout ( IN UINT32 TimerCycle, IN UINT32 Timer, IN UINT32 TimeoutTicker ) { UINT64 CurrentTimer; UINT64 Delta; CurrentTimer = GetApicTimerCurrentCount (); // // This timer counter counts down. Check for roll over condition. // If CurrentTimer is equal to Timer, it does not mean that roll over // happened. // if (CurrentTimer <= Timer) { Delta = Timer - CurrentTimer; } else { // // Handle one roll-over. // Delta = TimerCycle - (CurrentTimer - Timer) + 1; } return (BOOLEAN)(Delta >= TimeoutTicker); }