OPTIONS: -soc [soc] Specifies the SOC to build the image for. This option is mandatory. -rev [revision] Specifies the SOC's revision to build the image for. Valid values for revision are A0 and B0. For now, only socs QX and QM have B0 revisions. When not specified, default revision is A0. -commit Prints the commit used to build the mkimage. -dev [device] [page_size] Specifies the boot device. The valid device values are: flexspi, sd and nand. The page size argument is available only for B0 revisions when device is 'nand'. The valid page size values are: 4K, 8K or 16K. -append [filename] Specifies the container blob file to be appended as is. -out [filename] Specifies the output file for the generated and appened containers. -c, --container Create new container to be appended. -flags [value] Specifies flags for the new container. The value needs to be a 32bit value in hex. -fuse_version [value] Specifies fuse version field for the new container. -sw_version [value] Specifies SW version field for the new container. -dcd [filename] Specifies the DCD image to be appended to the new container. Not applicable for socs QX and QM revision B0. -dummy [address] Specifies address used to store V2X firmware for non-flexspi booting. If the address is not specified in non-flexspi booting, ROM won't load V2X firwmware. When setting this address to DDR, must ensure DDR is initialized by ROM. -scfw [filename] Specifies the SCFW image to be appended to the new container. -scd [filename] Specifies the SCD image to be appended to the new container. Applicable only for non B0 revisions. -seco [filename] Specifies the SECO container to be appended to the final image. -partition [partition index] Specifies the partition index for boot core. Default AP is 1 and M4 is 0 for a shared partition . -csf [filename] Specifies the CSF image to be appended to the new container. Applicable only for non B0 revisions. -ap [filename] [core] [address] (mu0|mu3) (pt[1-9]) Specifies the AP image to be appended to the new container. Valid core values for this image are 'a35', 'a53' and 'a72'. The address represents the start address and needs to be a 32bit value in hex. optional: specify MU ID and partition ID, default values are mu0 and pt1. Note: pt2 is an illegal value, it is reserved for system. -images_hash [sha256|sha384|sha512] Specifies the image hash type used in the new container. -msg_blk [filename] [fuse|field|debug|patch|zero] [address] Specifies a special A core data image used to pass a message block to SCFW for debug, secure fuse programming, field return, patch, and FIPS key zeroization. -m4 [filename] [core] [address] Specifies the M4 image to be appended to the new container. Valid core values for this image are 0 and 1. The address represents the start address and needs to be a 32bit value in hex. -data [filename] [core] [address] Specifies a data image to be appended to the new container, usually a rootfs image or a kernel image. The core can be 'a35', 'a53', 'a72', 'm4', 'm4_1'. The address represents the load address and needs to be a 32bit value in hex. -fileoff [offset] Specifies a position to set the file offset of the following image to. The offset must be greater than file offset at the time and aligned to sector size. This is only aplicable for QX/QM revision B0