libdbi-drivers - drivers for libdbi, the Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Mark M. Tobenkin MYSQL DRIVER: -------------- A driver providing connectivity to MySQL databases using libmysqlclient ( NOTES: ------ To allow for row seeking, results are loaded into memory. This is very inefficient and may provide a bottleneck for large applications. DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, DATE and TIME will all be treated as the DBI type of DATETIME. This is currently a string, but will change in later releases. WARNING: The DECIMAL type is treated as a string, as it has arbitrary precision. Whether or not a trailing \0 value will be added to Binary string can be configured using: dbi_set_option_numeric("mysql_include_trailing_null",1); //include dbi_set_option_numeric("mysql_include_trailing_null",0); //don't include (For convenience, a trailing zero byte always follows the data, so that string casts can work. The above option just determines whether that byte is counted.) The function implementing dbi_conn_sequence_last() returns "the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT or UPDATE statement". Any sequence name passed as a parameter is ignored. (See the MySQL API function mysql_insert_id(), ) The function implementing dbi_conn_sequence_next() does nothing; MySQL does not use named sequences. CONTACT INFO: ------------- Mark M. Tobenkin $Id: README,v 1.2 2006/05/14 02:11:03 qu1j0t3 Exp $