#include "mdnsd_config.h" #include "mdnsd.h" #include #include #include #define SPRIME 108 /* Size of query/publish hashes */ #define LPRIME 1009 /* Size of cache hash */ #define GC 86400 /* Brute force garbage cleanup * frequency, rarely needed (daily * default) */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "ms_stdint.h" /* Includes stdint.h or workaround for older Visual Studios */ int gettimeofday(struct timeval * tp, struct timezone * tzp) { // Note: some broken versions only have 8 trailing zero's, the correct epoch has 9 trailing zero's static const uint64_t EPOCH = ((uint64_t) 116444736000000000ULL); SYSTEMTIME system_time; FILETIME file_time; uint64_t time; GetSystemTime( &system_time ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &system_time, &file_time ); time = ((uint64_t)file_time.dwLowDateTime ) ; time += ((uint64_t)file_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32; tp->tv_sec = (long) ((time - EPOCH) / 10000000L); tp->tv_usec = (long) (system_time.wMilliseconds * 1000); return 0; } #else #include #endif #if defined(__MINGW32__) static char *my_strdup(const char *s) { char *p = (char *)MDNSD_malloc(strlen(s) + 1); if(p) { strcpy(p, s); } return p; } #define STRDUP my_strdup #elif defined(_WIN32) #define STRDUP _strdup #else #define STRDUP strdup #endif #ifndef _WIN32 # include #endif /** * Messy, but it's the best/simplest balance I can find at the moment * * Some internal data types, and a few hashes: querys, answers, cached, * and records (published, unique and shared). Each type has different * semantics for processing, both for timeouts, incoming, and outgoing * I/O. They inter-relate too, like records affect the querys they are * relevant to. Nice things about MDNS: we only publish once (and then * ask asked), and only query once, then just expire records we've got * cached */ struct query { char *name; int type; unsigned long int nexttry; int tries; int (*answer)(mdns_answer_t *, void *); void *arg; struct query *next, *list; }; struct unicast { int id; in_addr_t to; unsigned short int port; mdns_record_t *r; struct unicast *next; }; struct cached { struct mdns_answer rr; struct query *q; struct cached *next; }; struct mdns_record { struct mdns_answer rr; char unique; /* # of checks performed to ensure */ int tries; void (*conflict)(char *, int, void *); void *arg; struct timeval last_sent; struct mdns_record *next, *list; }; struct mdns_daemon { char shutdown; unsigned long int expireall, checkqlist; struct timeval now, sleep, pause, probe, publish; int clazz, frame; struct cached *cache[LPRIME]; struct mdns_record *published[SPRIME], *probing, *a_now, *a_pause, *a_publish; struct unicast *uanswers; struct query *queries[SPRIME], *qlist; mdnsd_record_received_callback received_callback; void *received_callback_data; }; static int _namehash(const char *s) { const unsigned char *name = (const unsigned char *)s; unsigned long h = 0; while (*name) { /* do some fancy bitwanking on the string */ unsigned long int g; h = (h << 4) + (unsigned long int)(*name++); if ((g = (h & 0xF0000000UL)) != 0) h ^= (g >> 24); h &= ~g; } return (int)h; } /* Basic linked list and hash primitives */ static struct query *_q_next(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct query *q, const char *host, int type) { if (q == 0) q = d->queries[_namehash(host) % SPRIME]; else q = q->next; for (; q != 0; q = q->next) { if (q->type == type && strcmp(q->name, host) == 0) return q; } return 0; } static struct cached *_c_next(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct cached *c,const char *host, int type) { if (c == 0) c = d->cache[_namehash(host) % LPRIME]; else c = c->next; for (; c != 0; c = c->next) { if ((type == c->rr.type || type == 255) && strcmp(c->rr.name, host) == 0) return c; } return 0; } static mdns_record_t *_r_next(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r, const char *host, int type) { if (r == 0) r = d->published[_namehash(host) % SPRIME]; else r = r->next; for (; r != 0; r = r->next) { if (type == r->rr.type && strcmp(r->rr.name, host) == 0) return r; } return 0; } static int _rr_len(mdns_answer_t *rr) { int len = 12; /* name is always compressed (dup of earlier), plus normal stuff */ if (rr->rdata) len += rr->rdlen; if (rr->rdname) len += (int)strlen(rr->rdname); /* worst case */ if (rr->ip.s_addr) len += 4; if (rr->type == QTYPE_PTR) len += 6; /* srv record stuff */ return len; } /* Compares new rdata with known a, painfully */ static int _a_match(struct resource *r, mdns_answer_t *a) { if (!a->name) return 0; if (strcmp(r->name, a->name) != 0 || r->type != a->type) return 0; if (r->type == QTYPE_SRV && !strcmp(r->known.srv.name, a->rdname) && a->srv.port == r->known.srv.port && a->srv.weight == r->known.srv.weight && a->srv.priority == r->known.srv.priority) return 1; if ((r->type == QTYPE_PTR || r->type == QTYPE_NS || r->type == QTYPE_CNAME) && !strcmp(a->rdname, r->known.ns.name)) return 1; if (r->rdlength == a->rdlen && r->rdlength == 0) return 1; if ((r->rdlength == a->rdlen) && !memcmp(r->rdata, a->rdata, r->rdlength)) return 1; return 0; } /* Compare time values easily */ static int _tvdiff(struct timeval old_time, struct timeval new_time) { int udiff = 0; if (old_time.tv_sec != new_time.tv_sec) udiff = (int)((new_time.tv_sec - old_time.tv_sec) * 1000000); return (int)((new_time.tv_usec - old_time.tv_usec) + udiff); } static void _r_remove_list(mdns_record_t **list, mdns_record_t *r) { if (*list == r) { *list = r->list; } else { mdns_record_t *tmp = *list; while (tmp) { if (tmp->list == r) { tmp->list = r->list; break; } if (tmp == tmp->list) break; tmp = tmp->list; } } } static void _r_remove_lists(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r, mdns_record_t **skip) { if (d->probing && &d->probing != skip) { _r_remove_list(&d->probing, r); } if (d->a_now && &d->a_now != skip) { _r_remove_list(&d->a_now, r); } if (d->a_pause && &d->a_pause != skip) { _r_remove_list(&d->a_pause, r); } if (d->a_publish && &d->a_publish != skip) { _r_remove_list(&d->a_publish, r); } } /* Make sure not already on the list, then insert */ static void _r_push(mdns_record_t **list, mdns_record_t *r) { mdns_record_t *cur; for (cur = *list; cur != 0; cur = cur->list) { if (cur == r) return; } r->list = *list; *list = r; } /* Force any r out right away, if valid */ static void _r_publish(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r) { if (r->unique && r->unique < 5) return; /* Probing already */ r->tries = 0; d->publish.tv_sec = d->now.tv_sec; d->publish.tv_usec = d->now.tv_usec; _r_push(&d->a_publish, r); } /* send r out asap */ static void _r_send(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r) { /* Being published, make sure that happens soon */ if (r->tries < 4) { d->publish.tv_sec = d->now.tv_sec; d->publish.tv_usec = d->now.tv_usec; return; } /* Known unique ones can be sent asap */ if (r->unique) { // check if r already in other lists. If yes, remove it from there _r_remove_lists(d,r, &d->a_now); _r_push(&d->a_now, r); return; } /* Set d->pause.tv_usec to random 20-120 msec */ d->pause.tv_sec = d->now.tv_sec; d->pause.tv_usec = d->now.tv_usec + (d->now.tv_usec % 100) + 20; _r_push(&d->a_pause, r); } /* Create generic unicast response struct */ static void _u_push(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r, int id, in_addr_t to, unsigned short int port) { struct unicast *u; u = (struct unicast *)MDNSD_calloc(1, sizeof(struct unicast)); u->r = r; u->id = id; u->to = to; u->port = port; u->next = d->uanswers; d->uanswers = u; } static void _q_reset(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct query *q) { struct cached *cur = 0; q->nexttry = 0; q->tries = 0; while ((cur = _c_next(d, cur, q->name, q->type))) { if (q->nexttry == 0 || cur->rr.ttl - 7 < q->nexttry) q->nexttry = cur->rr.ttl - 7; } if (q->nexttry != 0 && q->nexttry < d->checkqlist) d->checkqlist = q->nexttry; } /* No more query, update all it's cached entries, remove from lists */ static void _q_done(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct query *q) { struct cached *c = 0; struct query *cur; int i = _namehash(q->name) % LPRIME; while ((c = _c_next(d, c, q->name, q->type))) c->q = 0; if (d->qlist == q) { d->qlist = q->list; } else { for (cur = d->qlist; cur->list != q; cur = cur->list) ; cur->list = q->list; } if (d->queries[i] == q) { d->queries[i] = q->next; } else { for (cur = d->queries[i]; cur->next != q; cur = cur->next) ; cur->next = q->next; } MDNSD_free(q->name); MDNSD_free(q); } /* buh-bye, remove from hash and free */ static void _r_done(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r) { mdns_record_t *cur = 0; int i = _namehash(r->rr.name) % SPRIME; if (d->published[i] == r) d->published[i] = r->next; else { for (cur = d->published[i]; cur && cur->next != r; cur = cur->next) ; if (cur) cur->next = r->next; } MDNSD_free(r->rr.name); MDNSD_free(r->rr.rdata); MDNSD_free(r->rr.rdname); MDNSD_free(r); } /* Call the answer function with this cached entry */ static void _q_answer(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct cached *c) { if (c->rr.ttl <= (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec) c->rr.ttl = 0; if (c->q->answer(&c->rr, c->q->arg) == -1) _q_done(d, c->q); } static void _conflict(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r) { r->conflict(r->rr.name, r->rr.type, r->arg); mdnsd_done(d, r); } /* Expire any old entries in this list */ static void _c_expire(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct cached **list) { struct cached *next, *cur = *list, *last = 0; while (cur != 0) { next = cur->next; if ((unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec >= cur->rr.ttl) { if (last) last->next = next; /* Update list pointer if the first one expired */ if (*list == cur) *list = next; if (cur->q) _q_answer(d, cur); MDNSD_free(cur->rr.name); MDNSD_free(cur->rr.rdata); MDNSD_free(cur->rr.rdname); MDNSD_free(cur); } else { last = cur; } cur = next; } } /* Brute force expire any old cached records */ static void _gc(mdns_daemon_t *d) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LPRIME; i++) { if (d->cache[i]) _c_expire(d, &d->cache[i]); } d->expireall = (unsigned long int)(d->now.tv_sec + GC); } static int _cache(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct resource *r) { struct cached *c = 0; int i = _namehash(r->name) % LPRIME; /* Cache flush for unique entries */ if (r->clazz == 32768 + d->clazz) { while ((c = _c_next(d, c, r->name, r->type))) c->rr.ttl = 0; _c_expire(d, &d->cache[i]); } /* Process deletes */ if (r->ttl == 0) { while ((c = _c_next(d, c, r->name, r->type))) { if (_a_match(r, &c->rr)) { c->rr.ttl = 0; _c_expire(d, &d->cache[i]); c = NULL; } } return 0; } /* * XXX: The c->rr.ttl is a hack for now, BAD SPEC, start * retrying just after half-waypoint, then expire */ c = (struct cached *)MDNSD_calloc(1, sizeof(struct cached)); c->rr.name = STRDUP(r->name); c->rr.type = r->type; c->rr.ttl = (unsigned int)((unsigned long)d->now.tv_sec + (r->ttl / 2) + 8); c->rr.rdlen = r->rdlength; if (r->rdlength && !r->rdata) { //MDNSD_LOG_ERROR("rdlength is %d but rdata is NULL for domain name %s, type: %d, ttl: %ld", r->rdlength, r->name, r->type, r->ttl); MDNSD_free(c->rr.name); MDNSD_free(c); return 1; } if (r->rdlength) { c->rr.rdata = (unsigned char *)MDNSD_malloc(r->rdlength); memcpy(c->rr.rdata, r->rdata, r->rdlength); } else { c->rr.rdata = NULL; } switch (r->type) { case QTYPE_A: c->rr.ip = r->known.a.ip; break; case QTYPE_NS: case QTYPE_CNAME: case QTYPE_PTR: c->rr.rdname = STRDUP(r->known.ns.name); break; case QTYPE_SRV: c->rr.rdname = STRDUP(r->known.srv.name); c->rr.srv.port = r->known.srv.port; c->rr.srv.weight = r->known.srv.weight; c->rr.srv.priority = r->known.srv.priority; break; } c->next = d->cache[i]; d->cache[i] = c; if ((c->q = _q_next(d, 0, r->name, r->type))) _q_answer(d, c); return 0; } /* Copy the data bits only */ static void _a_copy(struct message *m, mdns_answer_t *a) { if (a->rdata) { message_rdata_raw(m, a->rdata, a->rdlen); return; } if (a->ip.s_addr) message_rdata_long(m, a->ip); if (a->type == QTYPE_SRV) message_rdata_srv(m, a->srv.priority, a->srv.weight, a->srv.port, a->rdname); else if (a->rdname) message_rdata_name(m, a->rdname); } /* Copy a published record into an outgoing message */ static int _r_out(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct message *m, mdns_record_t **list) { mdns_record_t *r; int ret = 0; while ((r = *list) != 0 && message_packet_len(m) + _rr_len(&r->rr) < d->frame) { if (r != r->list) *list = r->list; else *list = NULL; ret++; if (r->unique) message_an(m, r->rr.name, r->rr.type, (unsigned short int)(d->clazz + 32768), r->rr.ttl); else message_an(m, r->rr.name, r->rr.type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz, r->rr.ttl); r->last_sent = d->now; _a_copy(m, &r->rr); if (r->rr.ttl == 0) { // also remove from other lists, because record may be in multiple lists at the same time _r_remove_lists(d, r, list); _r_done(d, r); } } return ret; } mdns_daemon_t *mdnsd_new(int clazz, int frame) { mdns_daemon_t *d; d = (mdns_daemon_t *)MDNSD_calloc(1, sizeof(struct mdns_daemon)); gettimeofday(&d->now, 0); d->expireall = (unsigned long int)(d->now.tv_sec + GC); d->clazz = clazz; d->frame = frame; d->received_callback = NULL; return d; } /* Shutting down, zero out ttl and push out all records */ void mdnsd_shutdown(mdns_daemon_t *d) { int i; mdns_record_t *cur, *next; d->a_now = 0; for (i = 0; i < SPRIME; i++) { for (cur = d->published[i]; cur != 0;) { next = cur->next; cur->rr.ttl = 0; cur->list = d->a_now; d->a_now = cur; cur = next; } } d->shutdown = 1; } void mdnsd_flush(mdns_daemon_t *d) { (void)d; /* - Set all querys to 0 tries * - Free whole cache * - Set all mdns_record_t *to probing * - Reset all answer lists */ } void mdnsd_free(mdns_daemon_t *d) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i< LPRIME; i++) { struct cached* cur = d->cache[i]; while (cur) { struct cached* next = cur->next; MDNSD_free(cur->rr.name); MDNSD_free(cur->rr.rdata); MDNSD_free(cur->rr.rdname); MDNSD_free(cur); cur = next; } } for (i = 0; i< SPRIME; i++) { struct mdns_record* cur = d->published[i]; struct query* curq = NULL; while (cur) { struct mdns_record* next = cur->next; MDNSD_free(cur->rr.name); MDNSD_free(cur->rr.rdata); MDNSD_free(cur->rr.rdname); MDNSD_free(cur); cur = next; } curq = d->queries[i]; while (curq) { struct query* next = curq->next; MDNSD_free(curq->name); MDNSD_free(curq); curq = next; } } { struct unicast *u = d->uanswers; while (u) { struct unicast *next = u->next; MDNSD_free(u); u=next; } } MDNSD_free(d); } void mdnsd_register_receive_callback(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdnsd_record_received_callback cb, void* data) { d->received_callback = cb; d->received_callback_data = data; } int mdnsd_in(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct message *m, in_addr_t ip, unsigned short int port) { int i; mdns_record_t *r = 0; if (d->shutdown) return 1; gettimeofday(&d->now, 0); if (m->header.qr == 0) { /* Process each query */ for (i = 0; i < m->qdcount; i++) { mdns_record_t *r_start, *r_next = NULL; bool hasConflict = false; if (m->qd[i].clazz != d->clazz || (r = _r_next(d, 0, m->qd[i].name, m->qd[i].type)) == 0) continue; r_start = r; /* Check all of our potential answers */ for (; r != 0; r = r_next) { MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Got Query: Name: %s, Type: %d", r->rr.name, r->rr.type); // do this here, because _conflict deletes r and thus next is not valid anymore r_next = _r_next(d, r, m->qd[i].name, m->qd[i].type); /* probing state, check for conflicts */ if (r->unique && r->unique < 5) { /* Check all to-be answers against our own */ int j; for (j = 0; j < m->nscount; j++) { if (m->qd[i].type != m->an[j].type || strcmp(m->qd[i].name, m->an[j].name)) continue; /* This answer isn't ours, conflict! */ if (!_a_match(&m->an[j], &r->rr)) { _conflict(d, r); hasConflict = true; break; } } continue; } /* Check the known answers for this question */ { int j; for (j = 0; j < m->ancount; j++) { if (m->qd[i].type != m->an[j].type || strcmp(m->qd[i].name, m->an[j].name)) continue; if (d->received_callback) { d->received_callback(&m->an[j], d->received_callback_data); } /* Do they already have this answer? */ if (_a_match(&m->an[j], &r->rr)) break; } if (j == m->ancount) _r_send(d, r); } } /* Send the matching unicast reply */ if (!hasConflict && port != 5353) _u_push(d, r_start, m->id, ip, port); } return 0; } /* Process each answer, check for a conflict, and cache */ for (i = 0; i < m->ancount; i++) { if (m->an[i].name == NULL) { MDNSD_LOG_ERROR("Got answer with NULL name at %p. Type: %d, TTL: %ld\n", (void*)&m->an[i], m->an[i].type, m->an[i].ttl); return 3; } MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Got Answer: Name: %s, Type: %d", m->an[i].name, m->an[i].type); if ((r = _r_next(d, 0, m->an[i].name, m->an[i].type)) != 0 && r->unique && _a_match(&m->an[i], &r->rr) == 0) _conflict(d, r); if (d->received_callback) { d->received_callback(&m->an[i], d->received_callback_data); } if (_cache(d, &m->an[i]) != 0) return 2; } return 0; } int mdnsd_out(mdns_daemon_t *d, struct message *m, struct in_addr *ip, unsigned short int *port) { mdns_record_t *r; int ret = 0; gettimeofday(&d->now, 0); memset(m, 0, sizeof(struct message)); /* Defaults, multicast */ *port = htons(5353); ip->s_addr = inet_addr(""); m->header.qr = 1; m->header.aa = 1; /* Send out individual unicast answers */ if (d->uanswers) { struct unicast *u = d->uanswers; MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Send Unicast Answer: Name: %s, Type: %d", u->r->rr.name, u->r->rr.type); d->uanswers = u->next; *port = u->port; ip->s_addr = u->to; m->id = (unsigned short int)u->id; message_qd(m, u->r->rr.name, u->r->rr.type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz); message_an(m, u->r->rr.name, u->r->rr.type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz, u->r->rr.ttl); u->r->last_sent = d->now; _a_copy(m, &u->r->rr); MDNSD_free(u); return 1; } // printf("OUT: probing %X now %X pause %X publish %X\n",d->probing,d->a_now,d->a_pause,d->a_publish); /* Accumulate any immediate responses */ if (d->a_now) ret += _r_out(d, m, &d->a_now); /* Check if it's time to send the publish retries (unlink if done) */ if (d->a_publish && _tvdiff(d->now, d->publish) <= 0) { mdns_record_t *next, *cur = d->a_publish, *last = NULL; while (cur && message_packet_len(m) + _rr_len(&cur->rr) < d->frame) { if (cur->rr.type == QTYPE_PTR) { MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Send Publish PTR: Name: %s, rdlen: %d, rdata: %.*s, rdname: %s", cur->rr.name,cur->rr.rdlen, cur->rr.rdlen, cur->rr.rdata, cur->rr.rdname == NULL ? "" : cur->rr.rdname); } else if (cur->rr.type == QTYPE_SRV) { MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Send Publish SRV: Name: %s, rdlen: %d, rdata: %.*s, rdname: %s, port: %d, prio: %d, weight: %d", cur->rr.name,cur->rr.rdlen, cur->rr.rdlen, cur->rr.rdata, cur->rr.rdname == NULL ? "" : cur->rr.rdname, cur->rr.srv.port, cur->rr.srv.priority, cur->rr.srv.weight); } else { MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Send Publish: Name: %s, Type: %d", cur->rr.name, cur->rr.type); } next = cur->list; ret++; cur->tries++; if (cur->unique) message_an(m, cur->rr.name, cur->rr.type, (unsigned short int)(d->clazz + 32768), cur->rr.ttl); else message_an(m, cur->rr.name, cur->rr.type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz, cur->rr.ttl); _a_copy(m, &cur->rr); cur->last_sent = d->now; if (cur->rr.ttl != 0 && cur->tries < 4) { last = cur; cur = next; continue; } if (d->a_publish == cur) d->a_publish = next; if (last) last->list = next; if (cur->rr.ttl == 0) _r_done(d, cur); cur = next; } if (d->a_publish) { d->publish.tv_sec = d->now.tv_sec + 2; d->publish.tv_usec = d->now.tv_usec; } } /* If we're in shutdown, we're done */ if (d->shutdown) return ret; /* Check if a_pause is ready */ if (d->a_pause && _tvdiff(d->now, d->pause) <= 0) ret += _r_out(d, m, &d->a_pause); /* Now process questions */ if (ret > 0) return ret; m->header.qr = 0; m->header.aa = 0; if (d->probing && _tvdiff(d->now, d->probe) <= 0) { mdns_record_t *last = 0; /* Scan probe list to ask questions and process published */ for (r = d->probing; r != 0;) { /* Done probing, publish */ if (r->unique == 4) { mdns_record_t *next = r->list; if (d->probing == r) d->probing = r->list; else last->list = r->list; r->list = 0; r->unique = 5; _r_publish(d, r); r = next; continue; } MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Send Probing: Name: %s, Type: %d", r->rr.name, r->rr.type); message_qd(m, r->rr.name, r->rr.type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz); r->last_sent = d->now; last = r; r = r->list; } /* Scan probe list again to append our to-be answers */ for (r = d->probing; r != 0; r = r->list) { r->unique++; MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Send Answer in Probe: Name: %s, Type: %d", r->rr.name, r->rr.type); message_ns(m, r->rr.name, r->rr.type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz, r->rr.ttl); _a_copy(m, &r->rr); r->last_sent = d->now; ret++; } /* Process probes again in the future */ if (ret) { d->probe.tv_sec = d->now.tv_sec; d->probe.tv_usec = d->now.tv_usec + 250000; return ret; } } /* Process qlist for retries or expirations */ if (d->checkqlist && (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec >= d->checkqlist) { struct query *q; struct cached *c; unsigned long int nextbest = 0; /* Ask questions first, track nextbest time */ for (q = d->qlist; q != 0; q = q->list) { if (q->nexttry > 0 && q->nexttry <= (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec && q->tries < 3) message_qd(m, q->name, (unsigned short int)q->type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz); else if (q->nexttry > 0 && (nextbest == 0 || q->nexttry < nextbest)) nextbest = q->nexttry; } /* Include known answers, update questions */ for (q = d->qlist; q != 0; q = q->list) { if (q->nexttry == 0 || q->nexttry > (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec) continue; /* Done retrying, expire and reset */ if (q->tries == 3) { _c_expire(d, &d->cache[_namehash(q->name) % LPRIME]); _q_reset(d, q); continue; } ret++; q->nexttry = (unsigned long int)(d->now.tv_sec + ++q->tries); if (nextbest == 0 || q->nexttry < nextbest) nextbest = q->nexttry; /* If room, add all known good entries */ c = 0; while ((c = _c_next(d, c, q->name, q->type)) != 0 && c->rr.ttl > (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec + 8 && message_packet_len(m) + _rr_len(&c->rr) < d->frame) { MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Add known answer: Name: %s, Type: %d", c->rr.name, c->rr.type); message_an(m, q->name, (unsigned short int)q->type, (unsigned short int)d->clazz, c->rr.ttl - (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec); _a_copy(m, &c->rr); } } d->checkqlist = nextbest; } if ((unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec > d->expireall) _gc(d); return ret; } #define RET \ while (d->sleep.tv_usec > 1000000) { \ d->sleep.tv_sec++; \ d->sleep.tv_usec -= 1000000; \ } \ return &d->sleep; struct timeval *mdnsd_sleep(mdns_daemon_t *d) { int usec, minExpire; d->sleep.tv_sec = d->sleep.tv_usec = 0; /* First check for any immediate items to handle */ if (d->uanswers || d->a_now) return &d->sleep; gettimeofday(&d->now, 0); /* Then check for paused answers or nearly expired records */ if (d->a_pause) { if ((usec = _tvdiff(d->now, d->pause)) > 0) d->sleep.tv_usec = usec; RET; } /* Now check for probe retries */ if (d->probing) { if ((usec = _tvdiff(d->now, d->probe)) > 0) d->sleep.tv_usec = usec; RET; } /* Now check for publish retries */ if (d->a_publish) { if ((usec = _tvdiff(d->now, d->publish)) > 0) d->sleep.tv_usec = usec; RET; } /* Also check for queries with known answer expiration/retry */ if (d->checkqlist) { int sec; if ((sec = (int)(d->checkqlist - (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec)) > 0) d->sleep.tv_sec = sec; RET; } /* Resend published records before TTL expires */ // latest expire is garbage collection minExpire = (int)(d->expireall - (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec); if (minExpire < 0) return &d->sleep; { size_t i; for (i=0; ipublished[i]) continue; expire = (int)((d->published[i]->last_sent.tv_sec + (long int)d->published[i]->rr.ttl) - d->now.tv_sec); if (expire < minExpire) d->a_pause = NULL; minExpire = expire < minExpire ? expire : minExpire; _r_push(&d->a_pause, d->published[i]); } } // publish 2 seconds before expire. d->sleep.tv_sec = minExpire > 2 ? minExpire-2 : 0; d->pause.tv_sec = d->now.tv_sec + d->sleep.tv_sec; RET; } void mdnsd_query(mdns_daemon_t *d, const char *host, int type, int (*answer)(mdns_answer_t *a, void *arg), void *arg) { struct query *q; int i = _namehash(host) % SPRIME; if (!(q = _q_next(d, 0, host, type))) { if (!answer) return; q = (struct query *)MDNSD_calloc(1, sizeof(struct query)); q->name = STRDUP(host); q->type = type; q->next = d->queries[i]; q->list = d->qlist; d->qlist = d->queries[i] = q; /* Any cached entries should be associated */ { struct cached *cur = 0; while ((cur = _c_next(d, cur, q->name, q->type))) cur->q = q; } _q_reset(d, q); /* New question, immediately send out */ q->nexttry = d->checkqlist = (unsigned long int)d->now.tv_sec; } /* No answer means we don't care anymore */ if (!answer) { _q_done(d, q); return; } q->answer = answer; q->arg = arg; } mdns_answer_t *mdnsd_list(mdns_daemon_t *d,const char *host, int type, mdns_answer_t *last) { return (mdns_answer_t *)_c_next(d, (struct cached *)last, host, type); } mdns_record_t *mdnsd_record_next(const mdns_record_t* r) { return r ? r->next : NULL; } const mdns_answer_t *mdnsd_record_data(const mdns_record_t* r) { return &r->rr; } mdns_record_t *mdnsd_shared(mdns_daemon_t *d, const char *host, unsigned short int type, unsigned long int ttl) { int i = _namehash(host) % SPRIME; mdns_record_t *r; r = (struct mdns_record *)MDNSD_calloc(1, sizeof(struct mdns_record)); r->rr.name = STRDUP(host); r->rr.type = type; r->rr.ttl = ttl; r->next = d->published[i]; d->published[i] = r; return r; } mdns_record_t *mdnsd_unique(mdns_daemon_t *d, const char *host, unsigned short int type, unsigned long int ttl, void (*conflict)(char *host, int type, void *arg), void *arg) { mdns_record_t *r; r = mdnsd_shared(d, host, type, ttl); r->conflict = conflict; r->arg = arg; r->unique = 1; _r_push(&d->probing, r); d->probe.tv_sec = d->now.tv_sec; d->probe.tv_usec = d->now.tv_usec; return r; } mdns_record_t * mdnsd_get_published(const mdns_daemon_t *d, const char *host) { return d->published[_namehash(host) % SPRIME]; } int mdnsd_has_query(const mdns_daemon_t *d, const char *host) { return d->queries[_namehash(host) % SPRIME]!=NULL; } void mdnsd_done(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r) { mdns_record_t *cur; if (r->unique && r->unique < 5) { /* Probing yet, zap from that list first! */ if (d->probing == r) { d->probing = r->list; } else { for (cur = d->probing; cur->list != r; cur = cur->list) ; cur->list = r->list; } _r_done(d, r); return; } r->rr.ttl = 0; _r_send(d, r); } void mdnsd_set_raw(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r, const char *data, unsigned short int len) { MDNSD_free(r->rr.rdata); r->rr.rdata = (unsigned char *)MDNSD_malloc(len); memcpy(r->rr.rdata, data, len); r->rr.rdlen = len; _r_publish(d, r); } void mdnsd_set_host(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r, const char *name) { MDNSD_free(r->rr.rdname); r->rr.rdname = STRDUP(name); _r_publish(d, r); } void mdnsd_set_ip(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r, struct in_addr ip) { r->rr.ip = ip; _r_publish(d, r); } void mdnsd_set_srv(mdns_daemon_t *d, mdns_record_t *r, unsigned short int priority, unsigned short int weight, unsigned short int port, char *name) { r->rr.srv.priority = priority; r->rr.srv.weight = weight; r->rr.srv.port = port; mdnsd_set_host(d, r, name); } #if MDNSD_LOGLEVEL <= 100 #include static void dump_hex_pkg(char* buffer, int bufferLen) { char ascii[17]; memset(ascii,0,17); for (int i = 0; i < bufferLen; i++) { if (i%16 == 0) printf("%s\n%06x ", ascii, i); if (isprint((int)(buffer[i]))) ascii[i%16] = buffer[i]; else ascii[i%16] = '.'; printf("%02X ", (unsigned char)buffer[i]); } printf("%s\n%06x ", ascii, bufferLen); printf("\n"); } #endif unsigned short int mdnsd_step(mdns_daemon_t *d, int mdns_socket, bool processIn, bool processOut, struct timeval *nextSleep) { struct message m; if (processIn) { int bsize; socklen_t ssize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); unsigned char buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN]; struct sockaddr_in from; while ((bsize = (int)recvfrom(mdns_socket, (char*)buf, MAX_PACKET_LEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &ssize)) > 0) { memset(&m, 0, sizeof(struct message)); #if MDNSD_LOGLEVEL <= 100 MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Got Data:"); dump_hex_pkg((char*)buf, bsize); #endif #ifdef MDNSD_DEBUG_DUMP_PKGS_FILE mdnsd_debug_dumpCompleteChunk(d, (char*)buf, (size_t) bsize); #endif if (!message_parse(&m, buf, (size_t)bsize)) continue; if (mdnsd_in(d, &m, from.sin_addr.s_addr, from.sin_port)!=0) return 2; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (bsize < 0 && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) #else if (bsize < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) #endif { return 1; } } if (processOut) { struct sockaddr_in to; struct in_addr ip; unsigned short int port; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align" #endif while (mdnsd_out(d, &m, &ip, &port)) { #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif int len = message_packet_len(&m); char* buf = (char*)message_packet(&m); memset(&to, 0, sizeof(to)); to.sin_family = AF_INET; to.sin_port = port; to.sin_addr = ip; #if MDNSD_LOGLEVEL <= 100 MDNSD_LOG_TRACE("Send Data:"); dump_hex_pkg(buf, (int)len); #endif #ifdef MDNSD_DEBUG_DUMP_PKGS_FILE mdnsd_debug_dumpCompleteChunk(d, buf, (size_t) len); #endif if (sendto(mdns_socket, buf, (unsigned int)len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&to, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) != len) { return 2; } } } if (nextSleep) { struct timeval *tv = mdnsd_sleep(d); nextSleep->tv_sec = tv->tv_sec; nextSleep->tv_usec = tv->tv_usec; } return 0; }