
A simple program that subscribes to a single topic and prints all updates that are received.


./bin/simple_subscriber [address [port [topic]]]

Where address is the address of the MQTT broker, port is the port number the MQTT broker is running on, and topic is the name of the topic subscribe to. Note that all these arguments are optional and the defaults are address = "", port = "1883", and topic = "datetime".

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mqtt.h>
#include "templates/posix_sockets.h"
void publish_callback(void** unused, struct mqtt_response_publish *published);
void* client_refresher(void* client);
void exit_example(int status, int sockfd, pthread_t *client_daemon);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
const char* addr;
const char* port;
const char* topic;
/* get address (argv[1] if present) */
if (argc > 1) {
addr = argv[1];
} else {
addr = "";
/* get port number (argv[2] if present) */
if (argc > 2) {
port = argv[2];
} else {
port = "1883";
/* get the topic name to publish */
if (argc > 3) {
topic = argv[3];
} else {
topic = "datetime";
/* open the non-blocking TCP socket (connecting to the broker) */
int sockfd = open_nb_socket(addr, port);
if (sockfd == -1) {
perror("Failed to open socket: ");
exit_example(EXIT_FAILURE, sockfd, NULL);
/* setup a client */
struct mqtt_client client;
uint8_t sendbuf[2048]; /* sendbuf should be large enough to hold multiple whole mqtt messages */
uint8_t recvbuf[1024]; /* recvbuf should be large enough any whole mqtt message expected to be received */
mqtt_init(&client, sockfd, sendbuf, sizeof(sendbuf), recvbuf, sizeof(recvbuf), publish_callback);
mqtt_connect(&client, "subscribing_client", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 400);
/* check that we don't have any errors */
if (client.error != MQTT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", mqtt_error_str(client.error));
exit_example(EXIT_FAILURE, sockfd, NULL);
/* start a thread to refresh the client (handle egress and ingree client traffic) */
pthread_t client_daemon;
if(pthread_create(&client_daemon, NULL, client_refresher, &client)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start client daemon.\n");
exit_example(EXIT_FAILURE, sockfd, NULL);
/* subscribe */
mqtt_subscribe(&client, topic, 0);
/* start publishing the time */
printf("%s listening for '%s' messages.\n", argv[0], topic);
printf("Press CTRL-D to exit.\n\n");
/* block */
while(fgetc(stdin) != EOF);
/* disconnect */
printf("\n%s disconnecting from %s\n", argv[0], addr);
/* exit */
exit_example(EXIT_SUCCESS, sockfd, &client_daemon);
void exit_example(int status, int sockfd, pthread_t *client_daemon)
if (sockfd != -1) close(sockfd);
if (client_daemon != NULL) pthread_cancel(*client_daemon);
void publish_callback(void** unused, struct mqtt_response_publish *published)
/* note that published->topic_name is NOT null-terminated (here we'll change it to a c-string) */
char* topic_name = (char*) malloc(published->topic_name_size + 1);
memcpy(topic_name, published->topic_name, published->topic_name_size);
topic_name[published->topic_name_size] = '\0';
printf("Received publish('%s'): %s\n", topic_name, (const char*) published->application_message);
void* client_refresher(void* client)
mqtt_sync((struct mqtt_client*) client);
return NULL;