/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include "client/ua_client_internal.h" #include #include #include "thread_wrapper.h" UA_Server *server; UA_Boolean running; UA_ServerNetworkLayer nl; THREAD_HANDLE server_thread; THREAD_CALLBACK(serverloop) { while(running) UA_Server_run_iterate(server, true); return 0; } static void setup(void) { running = true; server = UA_Server_new(); UA_ServerConfig_setDefault(UA_Server_getConfig(server)); UA_Server_run_startup(server); THREAD_CREATE(server_thread, serverloop); } static void teardown(void) { running = false; THREAD_JOIN(server_thread); UA_Server_run_shutdown(server); UA_Server_delete(server); } START_TEST(Client_connect_badEndpointUrl) { UA_Client *client = UA_Client_new(); UA_ClientConfig_setDefault(UA_Client_getConfig(client)); /* Use the internal API to force a bad DiscoveryUrl */ UA_String_clear(&client->endpointUrl); UA_String_clear(&client->discoveryUrl); client->endpointUrl = UA_STRING_ALLOC("opc.tcp://localhost:4840"); client->discoveryUrl = UA_STRING_ALLOC("abc://xxx:4840"); /* Open a Session when possible */ client->noSession = false; UA_StatusCode res = connectSync(client); ck_assert_uint_eq(res, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); UA_Client_disconnect(client); UA_Client_delete(client); } END_TEST static Suite* testSuite_Client(void) { Suite *s = suite_create("Client"); TCase *tc_client = tcase_create("Client Discovery"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_client, setup, teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_client, Client_connect_badEndpointUrl); suite_add_tcase(s,tc_client); return s; } int main(void) { Suite *s = testSuite_Client(); SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s); srunner_set_fork_status(sr, CK_NOFORK); srunner_run_all(sr,CK_NORMAL); int number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }