/*************************************************************************/ /*! @Title SGX Bridge Functionality @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved @Description Header for the SGX Bridge code @License Dual MIT/GPLv2 The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. This License is also included in this distribution in the file called "MIT-COPYING". EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #if !defined(__SGX_BRIDGE_KM_H__) #define __SGX_BRIDGE_KM_H__ #include "sgxapi_km.h" #include "sgxinfo.h" #include "sgxinfokm.h" #include "sgx_bridge.h" #include "pvr_bridge.h" #include "perproc.h" #if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXSubmitTransferKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevHandle, PVRSRV_TRANSFER_SGX_KICK *psKick); #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_2D_HARDWARE) IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXSubmit2DKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevHandle, PVRSRV_2D_SGX_KICK *psKick); #endif IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXDoKickKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevHandle, SGX_CCB_KICK *psCCBKick); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXGetPhysPageAddrKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap, IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sDevVAddr, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *pDevPAddr, IMG_CPU_PHYADDR *pCpuPAddr); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV SGXGetMMUPDAddrKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *psPDDevPAddr); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXGetClientInfoKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, SGX_CLIENT_INFO* psClientInfo); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXGetMiscInfoKM(PVRSRV_SGXDEV_INFO *psDevInfo, SGX_MISC_INFO *psMiscInfo, PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXReadHWPerfCBKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevHandle, IMG_UINT32 ui32ArraySize, PVRSRV_SGX_HWPERF_CB_ENTRY *psHWPerfCBData, IMG_UINT32 *pui32DataCount, IMG_UINT32 *pui32ClockSpeed, IMG_UINT32 *pui32HostTimeStamp); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGX2DQueryBlitsCompleteKM(PVRSRV_SGXDEV_INFO *psDevInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psSyncInfo, IMG_BOOL bWaitForComplete); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXGetInfoForSrvinitKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevHandle, SGX_BRIDGE_INFO_FOR_SRVINIT *psInitInfo); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR DevInitSGXPart2KM(PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDevHandle, SGX_BRIDGE_INIT_INFO *psInitInfo); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @brief Looks for a parameter buffer description that corresponds to * a buffer of size ui32TotalPBSize, optionally taking the lock * needed for SharedPBCreation on failure. * * Note if a PB Desc is found then its internal reference counter * is automatically incremented. It is your responsability to call * SGXUnrefSharedPBDesc to decrement this reference and free associated * resources when you are done. * * If bLockOnFailure is set, and a suitable shared PB isn't found, * an internal flag is set, allowing this process to create a * shared PB. Any other process calling this function with * bLockOnFailure set, will receive the return code * PVRSRV_ERROR_PROCESSING_BLOCKED, indicating that it needs * to retry the function call. The internal flag is cleared * when this process creates a shared PB. * * Note: You are responsible for freeing the list returned in * pppsSharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfos * via OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, * sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *) * * ui32SharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfosCount, * ppsSharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfos, * NULL); * * @param[in] psPerProc * @param[in] hDevCookie * @param[in] bLockOnError * @param[in] ui32TotalPBSize * @param[in] phSharedPBDesc * @param[out] ppsSharedPBDescKernelMemInfo * @param[out] ppsHWPBDescKernelMemInfo * @param[out] pppsSharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfos A list of integral sub meminfos. * @param[out] ui32SharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfosCount * * @return PVRSRV_ERROR ********************************************************************************/ /* disable QAC pointer level check for over 2 */ /* PRQA S 5102++ */ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXFindSharedPBDescKM(PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_BOOL bLockOnFailure, IMG_UINT32 ui32TotalPBSize, IMG_HANDLE *phSharedPBDesc, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsSharedPBDescKernelMemInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsHWPBDescKernelMemInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsBlockKernelMemInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsHWBlockKernelMemInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO ***pppsSharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfos, IMG_UINT32 *ui32SharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfosCount); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @brief Decrements the reference counter and frees all userspace resources * associated with a SharedPBDesc. * * @param hSharedPBDesc * * @return PVRSRV_ERROR ********************************************************************************/ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXUnrefSharedPBDescKM(IMG_HANDLE hSharedPBDesc); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @brief Links a new SharedPBDesc into a kernel managed list that can * then be queried by other clients. * * As a side affect this function also dissociates the SharedPBDesc * from the calling process so that the memory won't be freed if the * process dies/exits. (The kernel assumes responsability over the * memory at the same time) * * As well as the psSharedPBDescKernelMemInfo you must also pass * a complete list of other meminfos that are integral to the * shared PB description. (Although the kernel doesn't have direct * access to the shared PB desc it still needs to be able to * clean up all the associated resources when it is no longer * in use.) * * If the dissociation fails then all the memory associated with * the psSharedPBDescKernelMemInfo and all entries in psKernelMemInfos * will be freed by kernel services! Because of this, you are * responsible for freeing the corresponding client meminfos _before_ * calling SGXAddSharedPBDescKM. * * This function will return an error unless a succesful call to * SGXFindSharedPBDesc, with bLockOnFailure set, has been made. * * @param psPerProc * @param hDevCookie * @param psSharedPBDescKernelMemInfo * @param psHWPBDescKernelMemInfo * @param psBlockKernelMemInfo * @param ui32TotalPBSize The size of the associated parameter buffer * @param ppsSharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfos A list of other meminfos integral to * the shared PB description. * @param ui32SharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfosCount The number of entires in * psKernelMemInfos * @param sHWPBDescDevVAddr The device virtual address of the HWPBDesc * * @return PVRSRV_ERROR ********************************************************************************/ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXAddSharedPBDescKM(PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psSharedPBDescKernelMemInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psHWPBDescKernelMemInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psBlockKernelMemInfo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psHWBlockKernelMemInfo, IMG_UINT32 ui32TotalPBSize, IMG_HANDLE *phSharedPBDesc, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **psSharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfos, IMG_UINT32 ui32SharedPBDescSubKernelMemInfosCount, IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sHWPBDescDevVAddr); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @brief Gets device information that is not intended to be passed on beyond the srvclient libs. * * @param[in] hDevCookie * @param[out] psSGXInternalDevInfo * * @return ********************************************************************************/ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR SGXGetInternalDevInfoKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, SGX_INTERNAL_DEVINFO *psSGXInternalDevInfo); #if defined (__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* __SGX_BRIDGE_KM_H__ */ /****************************************************************************** End of file (sgx_bridge_km.h) ******************************************************************************/